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Work in Progress / DBP VB.Net Level Editor

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Posted: 9th Aug 2004 11:59
This editor was written in DBP mostly, the GUI was written in VB.Net.

At the moment the editor only does object manipulation. Such as position, rotation, scaling, etc.. . Plus a few other features such as the DBP shaders.

Screenshots of the editor can be found here. Newer pictures are at the top of page1, and older pictures towards the bottom and page2.
All pictures shown there are either pictures of the editor or levels made in the editor.

You may download the editor to try for yourself here.
Approx 2.63MB

And a demo of my entry for the Remakes contest may be found here,
which the maps were made using a previous version of this editor.
Approx 2.6MB
Side Notes For Demo:
Movement: W=Up, A=Left, S=Down, D=Right
Follow the road up top and keep walking into the blue. You will then see another loading sequence and be taken to another place.

Please read the ReadMe.txt file before using the editor. There is a shortcut for it located in your startmenu in the folder "Scene Generator".

Furture additions will be Matrix support, Memblock Matrix, Terrains, and some others. As of now though the project is on hold since I'm entered in a few contests.

If you have any suggestions, comments, problems, please post here or contact me at the address mentioned in the ReadMe.txt .
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Posted: 9th Aug 2004 12:01 Edited at: 9th Aug 2004 12:04
really nice
memblock matrix support would be cool

Liquid Games
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Posted: 11th Aug 2004 00:44
this is very nice

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Posted: 13th Aug 2004 13:45
I added a more features, but havent uploaded a new exe yet since theyre not fully functional. One is an animated texture feature, allowing you to use AVI's and MPG's as textures, you can view an example here.
All of the textures supported by DBP are now supported by the .Net GUI although you wont get an image preview of .png .dib .tga and .dds textures. Another feature is a MultiScape import feature, heres a screenshot of one imported
and heres another with water
Zero Blitzt
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Posted: 13th Aug 2004 14:12
Wonderful, simply wonderful

Rush owns--> ---> I'm going to see them Aug. 7
Come to #coding. We promise we wont kick you!
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 01:07
How did you get those dirt textures to blend so well with the grass textures, the transition is almost seamless! I can't figure out for the life of me how to do that, and help would be appreciated...

I think you're doing a great job, it looks really nice!
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 02:43
Hmm, well, that landscape is an imported file and was created using Multiscape. If I remember correctly I think the grass and the dirt are 2 limbs and on one of them some of the polygons have a transparency setting set so you can see through that layer to the next. I'm not exactly clear on how it works seeing as i havent looked completely though the .mts format yet. Check the Program Announcements Board for MultiScape 1.1 and download it. Then take a look through the file format to see how it was done.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 03:00

Its me!

Any news on new version release as its me asking?


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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 03:17
Heh, no, im leaving in like 2 hours to go camping for the weekend. So nothing until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest. Sorry.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 03:26

You not going to be on IRC...

/me screws up plans of massive fight with someone... i think you know who i mean

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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 03:54
Nice Stuff, just one question though, how did you combine a GUI made in VB .net into a DBPro program?
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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 04:01
big secret.....

Check Program Announcements

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Posted: 16th Aug 2004 08:47
ooh, I never looked at that post cause I thought it only added some minor commands to deal with math or something! Man I feel stupid now
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Posted: 17th Aug 2004 04:15
I'm back. well, got back last night actually. Going to watch a movie right now then get back to work on the editor. If things work out like I think then I should be able to make a .X export feature plus cut the number of polygons on a Multiscape landscape in half.

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