I have been tearing what little I have of my hair out here I have, with the help of other's got a decent hovercraft but I am getting the throttle cutting out when I put in straffing code and when I take out only the throttle and steering works obvoiusly I want to get both working how do I do this? I am using Dark Basic Classic 1.13 and I am close to getting a straffing turning player hovercraft but I just cannot solve this problem
Rem * Title : Hovercraft Mod2
Rem * Author : I George
Rem * Date : 13/08/04
REM ***************************************************************
REM ***************************************************************
REM ***************************************************************
REM Straffing Hovercraft
REM Author :Ian George aka Vampyre
REM ****************************************************************
REM ****************************************************************
autocam off
hide mouse
sync rate 60
sync on
Make matrix 1,10000,10000,20,20
Rem texture matrix
Load image "grass09.bmp",1
Prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
Fill matrix 1,0,1
rem Randomize the matrix
randomize matrix 1,125
rem Make drone to mark a back position
make object sphere 3,10
rem load hovercraft object
load object "HOVER1.X", 2
rem Rotate and fix data so character faces right way
xrotate object 2, 0.0
yrotate object 2, 180.0
zrotate object 2, 0.0
fix object pivot 2
rem scaling to 10% (YOU WILL NEED TO ADJUST THIS)
scale object 2 ,1200,1200,1200
cammode = 0
rem movement
jx = joystick x()
jy = joystick y()
if joystick x() < -100 then turn object left 2, 1.5
if joystick x() > 100 then turn object right 2, 1.5
if joystick slider a() < 10000 then move object 2 ,8.0
if joystick slider a() > 45000 then move object 2 , -8.0
rem left
if joystick twist z()=1000
x = newxvalue(x,wrapvalue(angle+90),10)
z = newzvalue(z,wrapvalue(angle+90),10)
rem right
if joystick twist z()=-1000
x = newxvalue(x,wrapvalue(angle-90),10)
z = newzvalue(z,wrapvalue(angle-90),10)
position object 2,x,0,z
rem HAT control
jhat=joystick hat angle(0)
text 10,10,"HAT signal: "+str$(jhat)
text 10,20,"Joystick: "+str$(jx)+"/"+str$(jy)
text 10,30,"Slider: "+str$(joystick slider a())
text 10,40,"FPS: "+str$(screen fps())
rem Set the hat look flags to nothing
lookUp = 0: lookLeft = 0: lookRight = 0: lookBack = 0
if jhat = 0 then lookUp = 1
if jhat=9000 or jhat=4500 or jhat=13500 then lookRight = 1
if jhat=31500 or jhat=27000 or jhat=22500 then lookLeft = 1
if jhat = 18000 then lookBack = 1
If InKey$() = "1" Then cammode = 1 : ` third person
If InKey$() = "2" Then cammode = 0 : ` first person
If cammode = 0
rem Place camera and set orientation to object for FPS
position camera object position x(2),object position y(2)+40,object position z(2)
set camera to object orientation 2
if lookRight = 1 then turn camera right 90.0
if lookLeft = 1 then turn camera left 90.0
if lookUp = 1 then pitch camera up 45.0
if lookBack = 1 then turn camera right 180.0
rem Place as over head for 3rd person
pitch object down 2,11
move object 2,-150
position object 3,object position x(2),object position y(2),object position z(2)
move object 2,150
pitch object up 2,11
rem Place camera and set orientation to object
position camera object position x(3),object position y(3),object position z(3)
set camera to object orientation 2
rem rotate camera 90.0, 0.0, 0.0