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2D All the way! / Box and Text over Sprites

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 18:09
Can anyone tell me how to have boxes and text to be placed over top of sprites without using Hide Sprite. I am trying to have a menu bar but the sprites appear over top of it instead of under. Does anyone have a suggestion or an answer???
John H
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 18:57
You can make the text itself a sprite by going......

charname$= "Char. Name"
set text font "Enviro"
Set text size 30
Set text to bold
tw = text width(charname$)
th = text height("A")
create bitmap 17, tw, th
text 0, 0, charname$
get image 17, 0, 0, tw, th
delete bitmap 17
sprite 17, 300, 503, 17


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 19:09
... and give your menu sprite(s) a higher priority to make them display in front of all others.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 21:43
yup and also depending on DB or DBP it may be relevent
to which order the sprites are made as to which one is the most closest etc.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 22:49
How do I set the color of my text?

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 23:25
Its called the Z-Order

you can make any sprite beontop by simply making it refresh

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Posted: 24th Dec 2002 00:25
Set the colour of your text by using the ink command. Have a look at the Text Command set in the help from the Editor.
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Joined: 15th Dec 2002
Posted: 5th Jan 2003 07:10
Ok, sorry bout the stupid question, lol. I figured it out. im going to start using the Ink RGB command now, does that workin DBpro?

Your suffering cause of me its divine

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