Well I got the PRINTERS.DLL file and the code, but the interesting thing is: IF I try to print to my local printer at home (Canon Inkjet-forgot which model, but it has scan/copy/no fax) it will come back with an error when it does a LPrintBitmap("C:\Background.bmp",500,500,1980,1980). It says it should be an Interger or DWORD when setting up the array.
However if I take the Code to my job and use the network printers (about a dozen or 2) and select one of those, the background and the LSendtoPrint (Text$) works great but the background is a little off and I don't know how to adjust it...something to do with the (500,500,1980,1980). The background is a jpg of 800x600 and I want to fill the page, landscape if possible. Are there any instructions to this code for printing and why does my system at home refuse to print the jpg? (Lots of typing for arthritic fingers - ha)
Don't call me 'old'....just a spectator to history!