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Work in Progress / [STICKY] How To Know if Your Games Ready For A W.I.P Post

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 04:15 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2004 04:20
Hey all,
I've just been looking at the board and, un-like the others, there's nothing here to tell people what sort of guidelines there are for posting here, so I thought I'd go ahead and make one.

Just a few things to consider when posting are.......

Where's My Game?
W.I.P is work in progress, and surely, even after just 5 minutes of planning, you could say a game was, work in progress. You can't however, expect people to go crazy over your game if you've only got a storyline and a name for the main character. Work on your game, wait until you've got something to show then BAM!!! post a thread about your game, showing all the work you've put into it and all the different parts that your busily working on and people will think, "Hey, this persons, done a lot of work on this game and I can see that there serious about wanting to finish it, I'll give them some encouragement and let them know how good they're doing."

Do you have any screen shots of your game, these can be obtained pretty easily, just press Prt Scrn (to the left of F12) go to Paint, then Edit>Paste, and save your image, then go to or any other hosting site and follow the available instructions. Remember pictures speak a thousand words, and alot of people will find it easier to judge your game if you've got a couple of pictures of what it looks like in action.

NOTE:: It's advisable to resize your screenshots to make a reasonable size, the last thing people want (especially people on 56k) is to have to wait ages for a picture to load, by that time they may have got board and gone to look at someone elses game, I find 640x480 is a reasonable size.

How can people comment on your game if they don't know anyhting about it, ofcourse you may not want to tell us everything about your game but there's always something you can type. Tell us what the objective of one of the levels is, what weapons you can use, what different modes will be in the game, anything people can talk about.

People can only stay excited about screenshots and litle bits of info before long. Eventually you'll need to put your money(or rather, your game) where your mouth is and release a demo. Again, this doesn't have to give away too much about your game, maybe a single level, or a demo that times out after a few minutes, just something that people can comment on.

Be Prepared
Now the whole point of a W.I.P post is for people too see your game and tell you what they think, if they don't like the look of it then they'll probably tell you, and this is definately more of a good thing than a bad thing. It's much better to learn whats not so good about and improve it before final release, rather than releasing your game, a few people downloaging it, saying its no good, and eveyone just ignoring it, remember, the customer ( or downloaded) is always right. When you post a W.I.P don't expect everyone to say "Oh my god what an amazing game, gimmme, gimme, gimme" Hopefully, a few people will say that, but there will inevitably be someone with a negative reaction, don't tell them there wrong, because they won't be, just read what they've written, write a quick message to thank them for there input, then get around to improving your game.

Well thats my bit, but I'm sure you people can think of a lot more that makes a good w.i.p, so come on, tell me what a lousy job I've done of this and fill in some of the gaps.

Formely code2kill
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 05:10 Edited at: 7th Nov 2005 16:48
finaly someone posted a rulez

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 05:20
at least have some screen shots instead of just an idea

Good thing everyone here is a figment of my imagination.

Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 06:35
Hummm, very useful information to newcomers, it still doesnt exactly answer "How To Know if Your Games Ready For A W.I.P Post"

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General X
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 06:42
This thread should be a sticky! so others see it!

...just a siggestion

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 07:54 Edited at: 16th Jun 2006 00:45

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 07:56 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2004 07:57
Quote: " still doesnt exactly answer "How To Know if Your Games Ready For A W.I.P Post""

Good point, here goes.

How To Know if Your Games Ready For A W.I.P Post

As soon as a projects started it's a Work In Progress, but when does it become worthy of a thread. There's no definate answer, because every projects different, but thre are a few things you can consider to help you decide.

Your posting on this board to show other people your game, and you want people to show interest in your project and comment on it don't you,after all, no-one likes to see there thread sink miserably off the page with maybe 50+ views but no re-plys. People will only comment on your project if they want to, they need to see something that makes them want to re-ply to your post instead of someone elses. You need to think to yourself, "Is my project different" there's plenty of RPG's on the W.I.P board, and a lot of them look similar, even though there may be completely different ideas behind each one. You need to work on your project, and keep checking the other posts on the board, when you game starts to look different to the ones on the board (maybe you've done more work on it, maybe it's a completely different concept for a game, Maybe you've just got some really impressive effects included) you can be pretty sure that, when you post a thread, you'll get plenty of re-plies.

Maybe even when you've done all that, no-one re-plys, so persevere. Keep on adding to it, every time you get a little further in your game, keep posting, don't start typing any old baloney just to keep your thread near the top, if you dot people just won't bother to look at your post because they won't be bothered with reading one sentence that reads like it didn't really need to be posted. If you keep working on your project, and keep posting interesting updates, people will keep reading and even if they don't re-ply at least they don't have anything bad to say, eventually though, someone will re-ply and then no doubt plenty of others will follow.

Formely code2kill
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 17:07
Humm, diffrent from others...

Ok now this should be stickyed...

Quote: "there's plenty of RPG's on the W.I.P board"

Humm I count 4
- RPGamer's Eternal Destiny
- Nack's Vatica
- Freddix's X-Quad
- Oneka production's Daikanu

meh, perhaps I should post about my RPG and make it 5

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 21:48
When is your game ready for a WIP post?

I think the answer is simple: When you know you can finish it.

Yes, things may still chnage
Yes, the graphics may not be complete
Yes, you may still want to change code that doesn't run quite as expected

But if you are confident you will be able to release version 0.99, then it's ready for a WIP.

Good topic, Play2Kill. Maybe it will tidy up the forum a bit.

Quote: "I got this idea for a game and it will be the best ever and it will have thousands of enemies and it will have 50 vehicles and 200 people can play it online and there will be blood and stuff and I will become a millionaire and Epic will copy it and Doom 3 is pants compared to this and I will create a Playstation version and you should all join my team and I am using Lightwave and it's a legit copy honest and how can I get rid of the logo in the demo version?"

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Van B
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2004 22:08
The WIP board should be for people looking for comments, if they don't have anything for people to comment on, then there project is not ready for a WIP post. If there's no screenies, and just a little 'I'm a gonna make a game like *insert commercial game name*...' comment, what can we possibly comment on, except the lack of info .


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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 04:05
Quote: ""there's plenty of RPG's on the W.I.P board"
Humm I count 4"

MMmmmm, maybe I shouldn't of used the word "plenty."

I've just done a quick search and it averages off at about 3-5 RPGs per month.

Formely code2kill
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 13:05 Edited at: 24th Aug 2004 13:06
And so far.. None have finnished... EXCEPT MINE! AHAHAHAHAH!

Oh and.. Ahem... The winner of the WIP Board Sticky Award goes too.....


YAYYYYYY!!!!! HURRRAAA!!!! *misilanious crowd noises here*
Congratulations! *Mind Storm slaps the medal into his Play's chest* Dont worry about the bleeding, it will stop eventualy.

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Peter H
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 23:30
lol...finally a sticky in the WIP...

there are so many WIPs that it's sad

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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 23:53
yeah i asked IanM to sticky it... thanks Ian

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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 01:46 Edited at: 25th Aug 2004 01:48
jeez did you had to make this topic... now we can't laugh about stuff like this :

Quote: "Quote: "I got this idea for a game and it will be the best ever and it will have thousands of enemies and it will have 50 vehicles and 200 people can play it online and there will be blood and stuff and I will become a millionaire and Epic will copy it and Doom 3 is pants compared to this and I will create a Playstation version and you should all join my team and I am using Lightwave and it's a legit copy honest and how can I get rid of the logo in the demo version?""


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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 02:17
Quote: "jeez did you had to make this topic... now we can't laugh about stuff like this "

Don't worry, look at all the stickys in Team Requests and thats still good for a laugh.

Formely code2kill
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Posted: 25th Aug 2004 03:53
He has a point... NOW FOR A COUNTERPOINT!... yeah you can just kill me now...

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Posted: 26th Aug 2004 14:38
Lets make more stickies for the WIP board, how about: How to make dogs fly off large national monuments(CN Tower anyone?).

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Posted: 26th Aug 2004 22:32
I tend to think that the mods should perhaps be a bit more aggressive in this forum. In the other forums they are very vigiliant in policing what goes on. In this forum posters get more leeway and, hence, in my submission, the greater amount of useless WIP threads.


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Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 27th Aug 2004 06:22
Eh, Its half the fun. Since the mods here arnt exactly uptight strict assh0le neo nazis, you feel more comfortable and post more freely, as you said. But whats the harm in a few extra useless threads, mabey 50k lose of space.

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Jess T
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 23:53
Quote: "uptight strict assh0le neo nazis"

Well, that's not a very nice thing to say.

We're alot less aggressive overall in the whole forum than alot.

There is alot of stuff that get's posted that we could all easily ( and well within our rights ) remove, but we let it slide, since we offer freedom of speach for all the members.

Yes, there ARE alot of useless WIP posts, but who are we to decide whick ones will eventually become great games, and leave them, or which will flop in 2 day's time and she be deleted?


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Peter H
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Posted: 29th Aug 2004 04:40
Quote: "Well, that's not a very nice thing to say."

uuhhh....he was saying that you aren't too strict..and he likes it the way it is...

Quote: "Since the mods here arnt exactly uptight strict assh0le neo nazis,"

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Jess T
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2004 18:45
Yeah, I saw that, I was just making a point about how it is relaxed on here, and I was saying that it's not a nice thing to say if it was directed at us, or otherwise


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Posted: 3rd Sep 2004 16:55

i just want to thank you for giving me a super-easy way to get screen shots...just hit print screen and end program and paste to paint.


there are plenty of links to external program to make screen shots,
and also some talk of screenshots not detecting sprites, but this
method is wonderful.

i've been working on my game for 7 months now, and can post screen shots thanks to you.
thanks to you.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2004 17:06
Here's a crude method for screenies that doesn't require you to exit your program:

just press the - button on the numpad

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