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Work in Progress / Perfect Warfare

Guhill The friendly one
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Joined: 12th Jun 2004
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Posted: 24th Aug 2004 11:14
Because school has started I've decided to have Perfect Warfare uploaded to skeletor's site now since I probably won't get any progress on it in a long time. You can download the not nearly finished version of it at

It takes place in my room and you kill ants and stuff.

Shift - Use rage attack (Tornado, it pushes the ants back)

Ctrl - Attack (Don't hold for too long or you'll get tired)

If you use your rage attack too much you will run out of rage. To get rage back you have to punch ants. To get health back punch certain ants and they will drop health.

Robots rule, can't wait to build one.
Mind Storm 101
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Location: Excaping the Gates of Heaven
Posted: 24th Aug 2004 13:27
Im dling it but It would help alot to post screen shots to give people an modivation to download.

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

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Joined: 21st Jun 2004
Location: florida
Posted: 25th Aug 2004 10:04
Keep up the good work Guhill .

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