BattleField MT
Lines: 4500+
This is gonna be a scorched earth remake. You start off in a city, and from there you can select which building you go in. Like Pokemon Stadium - except 3D. You can choose from a variety of shops, in which you buy parts for your MT (MechTank). Parts include: Core, Launcher and Sheild. You can also buy things like mines, and books that teach spells, etc. The main building is the MT-Stadium. There you go for battling tournaments and win various prizes (depends on how many wins). Aside from the stadium, you can also battle at the Plains. Hilly terrain where you verse random AI units.
Abilities and Books:
There are 2 types of abilities in BFMT, Psi and Mech. Both use up player's sP. Psi abilities are learnt from books which are bought at the Psi Shop (only sells Psi books), just as Mech abilities are learnt from manuals, these are bought at the Mech Shop (which also sells mines). Psi spells range from things like casting flame, ice, etc. at the opponent. Mech ones use guns, sattelites, etc. There will be exactly 26 Psi abilities (learnt from 8 various books), and 13 Mech ones (learnt from 5 different manuals), each uniqu in its own way. Each book contains a few spells arranged for that specific book: 'Lower Elema' book can teach the player 4 elemental spells, etc. Each ability from each book, requires 1AP to be learnt. AP is gained as the player defeats other MT, gaining EXP, toward the next level - and each level you gain 1AP, some sP, and some spending money.
The players basic weapon. Each launcher has different ammo (which you have unlimited supply of), and is used throught the launch command during battle. Each launcher has a damage radius and a damage amount. If any entity is within the radius, he is damaged depending on how far from the center he is and on the damage amount.
At any stage during the battle, if the player presses space, the shield is activated. This shield reduces damage greatly, but the players Energy bar reduces, just as if he would be moving. This can only be used when the Energy bar is over 0 (duh). The shield is yet another part that can be replaced/upgraded, increasing it's defending capabilities with each better model. Shields are easy to add, as all they need is a radius variable, a defence variable, a sound, and a texture
Mines can be thrown a short distance anywhere around the player, and stay there until triggered by another entity - the player can't trigger them. Each mine has a different effect on its radius. Some may simply damage entities, while others stop them from moving for a few turns. Mines wont be triggered by the placer, but if he's withing the mines damage radius when it's triggered, the he'll be damaged also. There will be 10 various mines for the player to buy in BFMT.
When battling, the player can unearth various items from the ground. These appear as '?' marks and when driven into, give the player an item, or some money.
Battle Sequence:
As for battle, it loops through a few phases until all teams exept one have lost their units. The phases go:
--Entity's Turn Starts
--Movement select - player chooses to move or not.
every turn you gain 1/3 of max energy capacity. you can save up so that you move 3 times more after skipping movement for 3 turns.
--Movement phase - plyer moves using WASD keys. when 'moving' you lose energy. When enrgy hit 0 you stop and go on to next phase. You can rotate the camera with the arrowkeys. If you hit a '?' you recieve a random item (like treasure).
--Action select phase - player chooses which action to perform. You can choose from: Launch, Ability, Mine, Regenerate, or Wait. Launch is a basic attack which casts a bullet (depending on the launcher you have equipped) through the angle specified (30 to 70 degrees).
--Action perform phase - chosen action is performed
--Next Entity's Turn
Here I'll post a checklist sorta thing of what's done so far:
DONE! -Smooth, non-glitchy menu system.
DONE! -Saving/Loading games.
DONE! -Battle Phases Loop.
DONE! -Selecting abilities in battle.
DONE! -Battle start/end events.
DONE! -256 matrix textures. (128x128 size)
DONE! -City view controls.
-Item Equipting/Learning abilities at City.
-City Shops.
DONE! -Tournament speeches before each battle.
-Arranging battle starts in tournament/plains.
DONE! -Filling data including items, abilities, parts, vehicles, description for each.
-Coding specific animations/abilities: mines, psi, mech.
-Coding basic abilities/animations: attack, wait, regenerate.
* The first 4 Cores are completed, that is the whole 'Fighter' series. The other 5 will be included in the next version. DO NOT EQUIPT THE OTHER 5 CORES AND USE THEM IN BATTLE!
* All launchers are modelled, textured, and have a seperate explosion texture each, no more launcher work from now on...
* All shields are complete, with sounds, textures and effects, same as launchers.
* Do not battle anywhere but the plains, there are bugs otherwise!
* In this version of the game you can buy and equipt any part. Remember that you can only equipt launchers and shields if there is enough kg-hold left on your core to support them, if you make it too heavy, the 'build MT' button can't be cliked.Once again I say: DO NOT EQUIPT THE OTHER 5 CORES AND USE THEM IN BATTLE!
* Still no abilities or mines available in battle, DO NOT attempt to use them, the game will freeze!! This also goes for the 'Regenerate' option in battle...
* Also you cannot yet learn abilities, as the experience system's not done yet...
* New ragdoll style trees! They fall and spin if the ground near them is damaged.
* You start with $99990 and the strongest launcher+shield!
* There's a problem with the save feature, so don't try saving...
* If you want to see all launchers/shields (which you nomally can't because the core doen't support them - too heavy), edit the save file I left, here's how it's formatted:
NathanF -replace with your name. (anything)
1 -replace with your current core no. equipped (1-4 currently).
1 -replace with your current level. (anything)
1000 -replace with your current exp amount. (no effect)
250 -replace with your exp toward next level. (no effect)
25 -replace with your maximum sP points. (anything)
1 -replace with your current launcher equipped (1-7 all available!)
0 -replace with your current shield equipped (1-8 all available!)
5000 -replace with your amount of gold carried (anything)
0 -replace with your AP points owned currently. (dont worry)
0 -replace with your amount of tournament wins. (dont worry)
0 -replace with your current state/day of tournament. (dont worry)
0 -replace with your tournament pass bought flag. (dont worry)
The Download:
-10.4MB Zip file
Used to be here, look down - I'll post them on my last thread.
-Formerly DarkSephiroth-