I need help!
I've got lithunwrap and i'm trying to view a mesh of one of my models. Oh and it's in .x format.
when i try to load the model i get a message box saying:
now i know what that means. But why doesn't it have any? is it coz its a .x file
also i tryed an old model. got the same error. but when i went upto tool...UV mapping. i could select one item from the list. yet the new ones got em greyed out.
and one last thing. Is there a DECENT tutorial on texturing out there either for 3dmax5 or lith?
both would be great
chear guys
(just upgraded) system specs: AMD XP 3000+, 512Mb DDR333, nvidia ge-force FX 5600 128MB, 1x8Gb & 1x40Gb HHD, 52x CD drive, DVD+RW 4x, Sound Blaster 128.... all in a Nokia 8310 case :0D