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Work in Progress / Bounce ( Dev. name ) level editor - 2004 Compo entry

Jess T
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2004 18:43
Hey all

This is just something I whipped up two nights ago ( spent last night trying to get around some annoying bugs ).
It's a level editor for my compo entry. It'll be under the snake catergorie, but it'll be a pretty large deviation from the original.

You'll see from the example level, that it is more like a Bouce game ( hence the name ), where you drop a ball, and if you're accurate, it will make it's way down to the basket, on the way, you have to pick up food which can give the "snake" a boost in it's bounce ( and extend it's tail of course ).

It's not a very good concept for a game, but I don't have much time at all to develop a game, so this is about as good as it's going to get

This level editor is for making the levels ( dur ), but I just thought I would show it off cos it's pretty nice, and it makes my job SO much easier ( and I gotta make sure it would work on the Judges PC's )!

Also, please Read the README.txt file, as it explains alot of information on functionality etc.

I would also like bug reports from anyone that tries it out, as I have given it a whirl on a couple of friends computers, and the exe itself wouldn't run, but after a recompile, it ran fine ( odd eh? ).

Two particular comments I'm after is if anyone else notices the FPS increase if you turn the background off, then on again?
I was getting about 79-80 with it on, then off, I got 120, back on again and I was getting a constant 87...
Also, if anyone notices a strange way that the "Bounce Box" is textured?

Dont forget to Read the README.txt file, as it explains alot.

To grab the latest version of the exe and source, or just source, head over to

Also, here's a screeny for those of you that can't go without one, but without the background in as it makes for a smaller png file

( 98KB )

Thanks for the view
Have fun!


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Posted: 2nd Sep 2004 19:40
works very well. turning the background on/off didn't affect the fps in any strange way (it was higher of course without the backdrop though).

the editor seems plenty functional, I assume once you write the actual physics/game engine you'll be able to test the levels from within the editor?

otherwise very slick, looks to be an interesting entry... probably won't see too many other puzzle entries in the compo

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Jess T
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2004 21:47
Thanks Walaber

I was actually going to use your Newton Wrapper for the physics, as it will be the best, and quickest way to do it, with the limited time that I have to make the game

Should be a really fun game when I'm done ( I hope ).

I still gotta put in the creation for the food, and actually build up engine to control the bouncing of the ball

Thanks again.


Team EOD :: Programmer/Logical Engineer/All-Round Nice Guy
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2004 05:46
yea looks nice, with the newton physics even better

aly would you want to scale the size of the ball :p, but the design is good very customizable

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Posted: 5th Sep 2004 16:09
good work jess

i read the readme.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2004 05:45
Can you drop the ball in the beta and does food get placed?

Jess T
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Posted: 6th Sep 2004 08:47
In my latest version, I have food placement, some updated models, and I've implimented the first part of the Physics ( Using Walaber's awesome Newton Wrapper, and not forgetting the awesome Newton system itself! ).

I have a few things to fix, such as removing the food when there is collision and extending the "snake".
Also, I need to add a new menu item so that you can hit "test" and off she goes, so that it doesn't just do it automatically when you load in the level

Also, I still need to add in the "bouncyness" for the bounce box, and the detection for the basket

Once I get it stable, and easy to use again, I'll post up the latest version.

Note that the level editor is slowly morphing into the game itself, as I have put in all the physics etc.

Thanks for the continued interest guy's


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Posted: 6th Sep 2004 19:02
It's like Incredible Contraptions meets Snake

Looking good.

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Jess T
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Posted: 29th Sep 2004 23:00
Ok, the dead line is getting closer and closer, and the updates and progress is getting less and less

I doubt I'll have time to finish this project, but I did a lil bit of work on it tonight, and you can grab the latest version at;

It has the basics of Newton physics in ( using Walabers wonderfull wrapper ), and has the updated models which makes it look just that bit more slick.

There is still things to put in, like collecting the food, and the entire snake business, which I'm hopeing wont be too hard

Well, anyway, any and all feed-back is appreciated So don't hold those comments back even if they're nasty as hell

Have fun, and read the readme.


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Posted: 30th Sep 2004 00:06
looks very good, runs at a smooth 65 FPS for me.

One thing - can I suggest making the buttons semi-transparent, they are hard to read on level 1?

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Posted: 30th Sep 2004 02:16
If you get stuck on getting linked joints to work or grow, give me a hollar. I'm also using Newton for a snake entry and I might be able to help.

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Jess T
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Posted: 30th Sep 2004 13:49
Thanks for the feedback
You can move the menu around byt clicking and draging the white box, or just right-click anywhere on-screen and it will jump there.
The way the menu is drawn atm is it is all just read in from the menu.txt file, then dynamically created with the Line and Text command so I would have to change a fair bit of the functionality to include pasteing semi-transparent box's.
I guess I could just paste an entirely black box, then put the text over the top, but that would result in a speed drop ( the Ink command is very slow ).

I may just take you up on that offer Thanks
When I get to that stage, I drop you a line.

Thanks again guys

Anyone else with anything to say?


Team EOD :: Programmer/All-Round Nice Guy
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Posted: 1st Oct 2004 00:20
Walaber is working on a short splash page AVI for Newton powered games. I'm kind of hoping that all the Newton entries will adopt it, much like the splash pages at the beginning of commercial titles. The preview that I saw looked pretty slick.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2004 12:48
I don't want to post the video, because it'll ruin the surprise for first-time players of the games (and judges)... but if you want to use it, I'm turning it into a self-contained function that you can slap at the top of your program to have a nice Newton splash screen (with realtime physics of course)

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Jess T
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Posted: 1st Oct 2004 21:08
Put me down for one of those aplash intro's

Also, I have an update

This mainly just introduces a "Settings" panel where you can manually change the object's properties, to align things more accuratly in the world, for some of the trickier levels

Usual place to grab the latest version is at:

The readme isn't updated, so here's what to do;

To do any operation, first select the operation from the menu, click and drag an object, and it will do ... what it does.

To deselect an operation, click inside the manu panel, but not on a button, or anywhere on the Settings panel.

When Rotating or Moving a peice, use the scroll wheel to do it along the X axis ( ie, toward and away from the camera ) so you have full 3D control over each peice.

The input for the Settings panel is just like a window's input, except it doesn't accept the Del key, or Mouse Input. Other than that, it's all good.

If you want to change any of the settings in the Menu.txt or Option.txt files, just look in the source code at the start for a description of how the file is set out

If anyone makes a good little level, then post it up for all to play.

Same goes for bugs, suggestions, critizism, etc etc, just say what you think, or explain your findings

As a final note, it has been brought to my attention that I named the source files 31-09-04... Which was quite stupid of me, as it is the 01-10-04 today, and there aren't 31 days in September

Last, but certainly not least, ENJOY!


Team EOD :: Programmer/All-Round Nice Guy
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Peter H
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2004 01:36
@walaber- i'm going to want that, but not for my compo entry...i'm working on a seperate project using newton...and it'd be nice to have a fancy splash screen

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2004 11:01
I've almost got it all gathered up into a single function... so basically you include a media folder called "logo media" in your project, and include the "newton splash.dba" file, then call NewtonLogo(), and you're done!

I'll put it up on my website after the compo for anyone to use.

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

Athlon XP 2400+ || DDR-SDRAM 1GB || Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 AGP 8x 128MB

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