Ok, so what exactly is the use of it?
`turn sync on
sync on
make particles 1,1,20,5
`make matrix and randomize
make matrix 1,10000,10000,100,100
randomize matrix 1,20
`if you are using DBPro then you also need to update the matrix
update matrix 1
make object cube 1,10
cubey# = get ground height(1, cubex#, cubez#) + 20
`make spheres randomly
randomize timer()
for i=2 to 10
make object sphere i,5
position object i,rnd(200),cubey#,rnd(200)
next i
`begin loop
automatic object collision 1,1,1
position particles 1,cubex#,cubey#+5,cubez#
color particles 1,rnd(256),0,rnd(256)
set camera to object orientation 1
cubey# = get ground height(1, cubex#, cubez#) + 10
`move cube
if downkey()=1 then cubez#=cubez#-1
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate object 1,wrapvalue(cubey#=cubey#+1)
if leftkey()=1 then cubex#=cubex#-1
if spacekey()=1 then cubey#=cubey#+5
if shiftkey()=1 then cubey#=cubey#-1
if spacekey()=1 and shiftkey()=1 then cubey#=cubey#+10
position object 1,cubex#,cubey#,cubez#
position camera cubex#,cubey#+5,cubez#-40
point camera cubex#,cubey#,cubez#
`sync and end loop
function gravity(Pull)
for a = 1 to 500
if object exist(a)
if object position y(a)>0 then move object down a,Pull
next a
There's the complete code so far. as you can see it's supposed to rotate when i press the --> key but it doesn't.
John "Dark Lord of Angel Destroying Destiny" Pringlebee, maybe?