Hmm that's strange. I'll paste it directly into the message then:
hide mouse
sync on : sync rate 0
color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
set text font "arial" : set text size 12 : set text transparent:set text to bold
set camera range 0.1,5000
rotate camera 0,0,0
fog on:fog distance 5000
change mouse 0
text 1,1,"Loading..."
load music "Music\test.mp3",1
loop music 1
csm initial object 1
dummy=load csm ("Maps\testmap.csm",0)
camerascrollspeed = 20
maxzoomin = 200
maxzoomout = 2000
maxmarines = 50
nummarines = 8
dim marinex(maxmarines)
dim mariney(maxmarines)
dim marinez(maxmarines)
marinex(1) = 0
mariney(1) = 70
marinez(1) = 0
marinex(2) = 200
mariney(2) = 70
marinez(2) = 200
marinex(3) = -200
mariney(3) = 70
marinez(3) = -450
marinex(4) = 500
mariney(4) = 70
marinez(4) = -500
marinex(5) = 100
mariney(5) = 70
marinez(5) = -400
marinex(6) = 0
mariney(6) = 70
marinez(6) = 300
marinex(7) = -450
mariney(7) = 70
marinez(7) = 50
marinex(8) = -400
mariney(8) = 70
marinez(8) = 200
load object "Models\marine.mdl", 1001
clone object 1002,1001
clone object 1003,1001
clone object 1004,1001
clone object 1005,1001
clone object 1006,1001
clone object 1007,1001
clone object 1008,1001
for x = 1 to nummarines
show object 1000+x
position object 1000+x,marinex(x),mariney(x),marinez(x)
loop object 1000+x
rotate object 1000+x, 270,0,0
next x
pitch camera down 90
position camera 0,1000,0
show mouse
set text font "arial" : set text size 12 : set text transparent:set text to bold
px = mousex()-(screen width()/2)+camera position x()
pz = mousey()-(screen height()/2)+camera position z()
if controlkey()
text 1,12,"FPS: "+str$(screen fps())
text 1,24,"MOUSEX:"+str$(mousex())
text 1,36,"MOUSEY:"+str$(mousey())
text 1,48,"MOUSEZ:"+str$(mousez())
text 1,60,"CAMERAX:"+str$(camera position x())
text 1,72,"CAMERAY:"+str$(camera position y())
text 1,84,"CAMERAZ:"+str$(camera position z())
text 1,96,"POINTERX:"+str$(px)
text 1,108,"POINTERZ:"+str$(pz)
mc = mouseclick()
if mc = 1 then ghost object on 1
if mc = 2 then ghost object off 1
a$ = inkey$()
if leftkey() then position camera camera position x() -camerascrollspeed,camera position y(), camera position z()
if rightkey() then position camera camera position x() +camerascrollspeed,camera position y(), camera position z()
if upkey() then position camera camera position x(),camera position y(), camera position z()+camerascrollspeed
if downkey() then position camera camera position x(),camera position y(), camera position z()-camerascrollspeed
zoomable = mousemovez()
if zoomable then position camera camera position x(),camera position y()-zoomable, camera position z()
if camera position y() < maxzoomin then position camera camera position x(),maxzoomin, camera position z()
if camera position y() > maxzoomout then position camera camera position x(),maxzoomout, camera position z()
if mousex() = 0 then position camera camera position x() -camerascrollspeed,camera position y(), camera position z()
if mousex() = screen width()-1 then position camera camera position x() +camerascrollspeed,camera position y(), camera position z()
if mousey() = 0 then position camera camera position x(),camera position y(), camera position z()+camerascrollspeed
if mousey() = screen height()-1 then position camera camera position x(),camera position y(), camera position z()-camerascrollspeed
Again, be reminded you'll have to insert your own dummy resources to make it run after compile: Music\test.mp3, Maps\testmap.csm and Models\marine.mdl.
While I've got you, Bolt, perhaps you can tell me why Firewall keeps crashing randomly and generating an error message box? I quite like your game, and prefer playing large maps over a long time, but the longer the game goes on, the higher the probability it will crash before I can complete the battle