Thanks lots
It seemed that the first If line you posted was what I needed. I was calculating Object angle y + 10, but U just put in 10. I didnt realise that with the turn, pitch and roll commands it already calculated that by itself, which is probably why my object wasnt moving correctly.
This was my main loop:
Rem ****Control input****
Rem Keyboard Control input
If keystate(78)=1 then move#=move#-1
If keystate(74)=1 then move#=move#+1
If upkey()=1 then xrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle x(1)+10)
If downkey()=1 then xrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle x(1)-10)
If keystate(211)=1 then roll object left 1, wrapvalue(object angle z(1)+10)
If keystate(209)=1 then roll object right 1, wrapvalue(object angle z(1)-10)
If leftkey()=1 then aY# = Wrapvalue(aY#-5)
If rightkey()=1 then aY# = Wrapvalue(aY#+5)
If move#=>0 then move#=0
If move#=<-25 then move#=-25
move object 1,move#
Rem Refresh Screen
But I changed it now and it works. thanks again