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qin shi
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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 16:19

I would like to animate a model for a lot of different movements (not necessarily 'on the fly').
But if I have to move every limb seperately it will take too much time (and probably look strange).
The feature list says bones are possible.
Does DBPro contain a modeling programme capable of bones animation?
If not: Do you know any cheap programmes available that you can recommend?

Thank you.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 17:25
You could use Milkshape, it has allot of features and is easy to use. It also exports in MD2, MD3 and DirectX 8 format (all of which support bones and can be used in DBP)

Download the 30 day trial and if you like it buy it for only US $20 or EUR 25

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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 19:45
It would be best to animate and model in a seperate package. somecost ALOT of money, others are free.

best free programs:
Truespace 3 SE

Best expensive programs:
3dsmax ($3400)
Lightwave (in the thousands)
Truespace 4,5, or 6 ($149-$500 on a good day)
MAYA (you cant afford this)

Truespace is your best bet if your on a budget. if you sign up for the caligari (makers of truespace) news letter you will recieve some good offers. I own 4 and 5 and each only cost me $149. Truesace can aslo do everything you will need and its very easy to learn.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 02:39

MAYA (you cant afford this) - Haha, spot on there m8
Truespace 4,5, or 6 ($149-$500 on a good day) - Actually TSpace 3 was given away free with like a $50 upgrade to TS 5 with it !!

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qin shi
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 02:57
@ Ectto X
I will surely download Milkshape.
The screenshots on their site look very promising.
Thank you very much.

@ FroggermonSSE
thank you for your list of programs.
I haven't looked up all of them yet, except for MAYA of course.
No, you are right, I can't afford it.
I will have a closer look at Truespace 5.
You use it and reviews are also favourable
Judging by what they wrote, $150 would certainly be justified.
While looking for it I also found
Lots of information about 3D.

Thanks for the hint, I will look for an upgrade then.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 16:49
what about Poser
it has a decent price tag and it imports and exports all populer formats. [url][/url]

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 00:15
I think you should try Character FX, it's a shareware 3d program just for animation and I've heard it really good. And it's also cheap, only 15$!

But I havn't tested it myself yet...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 00:40
Silver Thread Poser is no good for character modelling for games. The models are too detailed and have too many polys, it would slow your game down soooo much.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 13:43
Ectto , poser is not a modeler its animator so pollys can be low or high it all depends on the mesh you load into it

Anything else?
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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 15:37
If your a student you could always get the Student version of a graphics package - Got Cinema 4D XL7 for £120

Yes, I really am THAT good...
qin shi
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 00:57
Obviously the term bones is used without a clear distinction between just being of help in generating the frames or if they are finally also supported by the 3D engine (thus helping to save a lot of frames).

I understand that many programmes are offered at a lower price (f.e. Truespace or student versions) but then they lack the possibility to use them commercially. On the other hand I would have the chance to upgrade them in the future.

Obviously there also are better special offers in the USA and GB than in Germany (sigh!). I could not find Truespace 3 for free with a cheap upgrade opportunity. (I think $50 for such a programme would be a real bargain.)

Poser 4 has the special price of EUR 216 at the moment.
But unless you are sure that this is really the programme you need, it can be quite a lot of money for a student. I will keep it in mind nevertheless.

Character FX and Milkshape seem to be good for a start with not too much money at stake. I think they might even complement each other.

Thank you for your suggestions.
You helped me a lot.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 01:30
truespace can be used commercially, very easily too. it exports directly to X

qin shi
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 02:56
Truespace 6 costs $600, TS5 $400, both commercial.
The (recent) $150 version of TS5 is non-commercial.
Truespace looks very attractive to me, but even $400 are too much for me right now. I will keep my eyes open, though.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 15:57
I am using CharacterFX .... it's an excelent program and easy to use.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 20:07
Here here. I used CharFX, wonderful program, obviously written by animators not modellers.. if and when I get DBP I'll register CharFX. Sooooo... models in DB.. you can make a skeleton and then tie the mesh to the bones so the skin stretches ? Groovy. Most of my models at the moment have very obvious limbs Will DBP merge animations, i.e. if you're in a walking anim will it smooth to a rolling anim or does it just "jump" straight to it ?

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Posted: 9th Sep 2002 07:54
I have trueSpace 4.3, and I found it very buggy when making .X models. Textures that look perfect in tS are upside down when you load the model into DB. Limb hierarchies that animate fine within tS move all screwy once the model is in DB.

I spent $300 on it, and the idea that I have to fork over another $150-300 for an upgrade in order to finally get the basic functionality I bought it for really burns me up.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2002 23:43
qin shi:
Sign up for there news letter and wait for special offers. got both ts5 and ts4.3 for $149 each

steverino: truespace's mapping cords are a little wierd, just flip the texture once.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2002 05:18
Flipping works okay for leopard spots, but for precisely positioning a face on a head it doesn't do the trick. I seem to recall that 3D Explorer could convert one of the tS formats into DB-friendly .X models, though.

I do like trueSpace for animation, though. If they've fixed the .X handling in tS5/tS6, it would be a reasonable choice for an all-in-one solution.

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qin shi
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Posted: 12th Sep 2002 23:43
@ Froggermon

I took your advice serious and searched the whole site of Caligari for a newsletter. Unfortunately I couldn't find any.
If you know where it is, please tell me. Maybe I am blind, but there doesn't seem to be a newsletter any more.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2002 22:56
if you sign up for any trial versions they have an option

Dr Av
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Posted: 17th Sep 2002 20:28
I got milkshape a few months back, once you get used to it it's really good... The biggest drawback it that lack of boolean operations.

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