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Work in Progress / Splat - Retro Remake compo entry - WIP

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Posted: 18th Sep 2004 11:06 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2004 02:16
[EDITED ON 21st September]

This is my latest beta version of game I'm entering into
Retro Remakes Compo. Only a week and a bit left so PLEASE
can some of you test my latest effort!

It is a maze game called 'Splat' originally done by Incentive
Software for the 48K Spectrum. I am going for a faithful remake
with as much extra stuff as I can get done in the time left.

Here are links to demo download (in three different flavours,
so no-one has an excuse they can't uncompress it!) = 856 Kb = 530 Kb = 492 Kb

cursors or I,P,Q,Z = move
Return = Pause (any key to continue)
Esc = Quit

You can now choose original speccy graphics or high-res
versions. Collect grass and plums for points. Red and
cyan stuff is deadly. Maze edge is really deadly.

Stuff still to do

~ main menu, instruction screen, redefine keys, etc
~ internet driven high score table (just realised I've got PHP
enabled on my website!)

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Posted: 18th Sep 2004 11:18
very good work.
Dot Merix
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Posted: 18th Sep 2004 12:07
No errors on my runs. Not a bad game.

The thing it lacks in is music however.. it needs to have some sort of a tune to go with it.

After thinking about it a moment, it does seem that music would take away from it's retro feel, however.. perhaps after the compo(or for if you so choose so) you could add some in.. Some good music always helps

- Merix
Flashing Blade
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Posted: 20th Sep 2004 02:42
You turned my computer into a speccy!
Very exact copy - you even got the colour clash thing when you hit the boundry. The sounds/colours/font........ahh the good ol' days.

1 bug I found was that if you travel diagonaly over grass the collision doesn't register(sometimes it does but mostly it doesn't.)

Also could you hide the mouse cursor?

Nice re-make.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2004 02:53
Thanks for the comments.

@Flashing Blade - The speccy version does not allow diagnal movement or sliding collision - makes game far too easy. I was about to remove that 'feature' today anyway! I will also remove the mouse cursor as it gets in the way.

@Merix - As I am going for a faithful remake, then there is no music. But if I get time I may add an 'improved' game option which will add music, higher res multicolour graphics,etc

Still got tonnes of stuff to do - will probably update downloads in a few days when got a lot more to show.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2004 02:19
I have uploaded latest beta version for you motley crew to test!

The links are in first post.

PLEASE can some of you test this as I've only got a week or so left
and need to iron out any remaining bugs. It is actually a very
addictive game once you get into it, trust me!

Flashing Blade
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2004 03:51 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2004 03:51
Not being able to move diagonaly makes it much much harder.
Didn't make it past level 2

1 bug I found on level 1. Look at this piccy:

There is only 1 piece of grass visible, but there are 2 or 3 invisible pieces that you can collect.

Good re-make.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2004 04:12
@Flashing Blade - not a bug! The original game has loads of hidden grass and plums (118 items to be precise!). The instruction page will make it clear.

If you want to compare with original, you can play speccy version in a java applet here:^Splat$

(just click on the java coffee cup graphic that has a '48' on a black background)


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