First off, I would like to say this is a rather newbish problem. I've loaded my Title image to the screen.(I
m not sure if I did it the most effective way.) and I want the computer to print the X coordinate of my Mouse constantly. However my Title screen seems to be blocking my view. So my question is how can I load up a full screen BG image and have it competely in the back, comatose, just plain outta the way?
Thanks in Advance.
Draw to Back
LOAD BITMAP "Images/Title.jpg", 1
sync on : sync rate 60 : backdrop off : Show mouse
copy bitmap 1,0,0,1024,768,0,0,0,screen width(),screen height()
sync :
MouseYpos = MOUSEY()
MouseXpos = MOUSEX()
MouseInput = MOUSECLICK()
Print MouseXpos
If MouseInput = 1 Then Exit
"Laugh to scorn the power of man..."