hello all.
just got a few questions on force feedback.
i recently got a MS force feedback wheel and i'm really pleased with it as it gives a new dimention to racing games. i'm just wondering if any1's toyed with it in the past? and did u get any good results?
the reson being is that i'm thinking of making a racing sim when i finnished the game i'm currently doing. in it i might add force feedback for any1 whos got an enabled controler.
how easy would it be to implament it?
is there any demos done in DBpro that use it?
any1 planning on using it?
and the biggest of all.....
chear fellow coders
(just upgraded) system specs: AMD XP 3000+, 512Mb DDR333, nvidia ge-force FX 5600 128MB, 1x8Gb & 1x40Gb HHD, 52x CD drive, DVD+RW 4x, Sound Blaster 128.... all in a Nokia 8310 case :0D