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Work in Progress / 2d rts

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Posted: 26th Sep 2004 15:29
I got bored, so I decided to start a 2d rts.
So far, its really only a scrollable tile map with 1 movable unit.

"eureka" - Archimedes
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Posted: 26th Sep 2004 15:36
Looks nice so far...
Are you using the Warcraft2 tileset???

-Formerly DarkSephiroth-
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Posted: 26th Sep 2004 20:51 Edited at: 26th Sep 2004 20:53
2d is harder than 3d...
I started to write one in DBC, i made a scrollable map with big sprites /=not tile map/, unit selection, buildings, fog of war, but I couldn't make a good pathfinding, and the fog of war ate 10 fps (in 800*600 the speed was 30 fps without FOW.) It was still an engine, not a playable rts. Then I stadted to rewrite it in dbpro, I made a new animation system /the animated sprite commands are unuseable/, but I had problems with the collision... (not pixel-perfect)

(Sorry for my bad English)

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Posted: 27th Sep 2004 02:16
Looks nice, is that your frame rate in the upper left hand corner?

Has anyone else successfully made a 2D RTS in DB? Just wondering...

Xander Moser - Bolt Software - Firewall
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Posted: 27th Sep 2004 04:30
"Has anyone else successfully made a 2D RTS in DB? Just wondering..."

There was a 2D version of the Last Worldwar. It had nice graphics and some bugs. It was an unfinished but playable demo game. I have the latest demo - 2002 december (and the other two demos . I'll upload it if you want.

My game (called "Arcvonal") was an unfinished engine, it was much better than the LWW engine but it had no graphics, music and feeling. (the units were "stolen" from the LWW).

386SX, 2MB EDO RAM, 512kB VESA video card, 40MB HDD, 5,25 FDD
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Posted: 27th Sep 2004 06:25
the number is the frame rate. So far, it hasn't really been harder. I just had to think a little differently about things, such as a scrollable map.(which i posted awhile back in code snippets) Though Sync is probably right about running into speed issues. Figure one more layer for FOW, and another layer for containing building structures and characters. For pathfinding, I'm planning on using IanM's library. Worked pretty well in my 3d version, and its easy to implement.

"eureka" - Archimedes
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Posted: 1st Oct 2004 04:53
project cancelled. Instead of making a warcraft clone, I've decided to use what i got to make a Garrison clone from the Amiga. Now that I have a new monitor, I can play the game again and its stuck on my brain.

"eureka" - Archimedes

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