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Geek Culture / DarkBasic FAQ

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Jan 2003 08:51
oki, i've been contacted by another newbie today which makes almost 30 in 2days ... well due to this they all appear to ask the same kind of questions.

and especially conserning DB Pro, which they're not sure where to start with such little help.
now DG has recently noted about a book when he learns more, so actually this has me thinking
Right now the examples and such for DB are good, but perhaps a few of the users her can band together and between us all we can come up with a full FAQ for all the DarkBasics.

Also been wondering about redeveloping a help file for Ciyanna's DarkBasic language pack which covers all three versions. Just wondering, WHAT would any of you like to see within this?
What functions, data types, 3d aspects, 2d aspects, mathematical aspects and such explained...

ofcourse there will be a function overveiw, with a small description - but there is to be a section of tutorials and such then perhaps it would be good to think about what the more advanced things people would like to see.
and remember anyone who thinks i'll just write out word for word exactly what to do to create it then think again.

get 21 days to program within C++ by Samms, cause that is more to be the style of the tutorials
but lemme know what you think and want
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Posted: 1st Jan 2003 08:56
Right now the examples and such for DB are good, but perhaps a few of the users her can band together and between us all we can come up with a full FAQ for all the DarkBasics.

ill help ^_^ because you want me too... o_O or because im desperate...

get 21 days to program within C++ by Samms, cause that is more to be the style of the tutorials
but lemme know what you think and want

i like the style but they teach you classes before you know how to do anything else... that almost screwed the whole learning c++ up for me... o_O and each day was so looonnngg...

Ciyanna's DarkBasic language pack

you say that all the time... but what is ciyanna... O_O

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Posted: 1st Jan 2003 12:35
That shouldn't really be our job...

Good news everyone! I really am THAT good... for great plug-ins - oh my, yes!
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Posted: 1st Jan 2003 22:38
it shouldnt mr.t... O_O but it would be fun... and i have a lack of fun goin on here...

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2003 11:36
well personally eitherway i look at it, our job or not - there is a still a VERY large need for this kinda thing.

now on the part of Ciyanna - if you don't know exactly what it is then thats cool. I'm aware right now that there are some people eagerly anticipating what Ciyanna will bring to the DarkBasic, BlitzBasic and Modification Communities alike.
Soon alot more will be revealed between now and March

one thing is for sure once the current version is done, it'll certainly change how games development teams online work together!

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2003 12:28
o_O thats nice... ^_^ i chat with my programmers/boss/artists over icq... O_O im the lead programmer... who woulda thought...

AMD Athlon XP 2100+ OC to 3Ghz/1.5gigs ram/128mb ti4200/120gigs hd/19" monitor/Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum EX/3072kbs Sat Con... I joined in!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2003 14:18
hehee - well i've never been a fan of ICQ
i'd really like to go into what i has more, but can't for now
maybe over msn if you want

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2003 20:35
The only thing miffing me (in scottish accent like smartie from Citizen Kabuto) is how to get the bloody icon on the exe from within DBPro's editor.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2003 21:40
on the right bottom corner if you have the project manager out just click on icons... O_O but dbpro seems to mess mine up so just get something like icon forge or michelangelo (sp?)...

AMD Athlon XP 2100+ OC to 3Ghz/1.5gigs ram/128mb ti4200/120gigs hd/19" monitor/Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum EX/3072kbs Sat Con... I joined in!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 11:29
he has a point... everytime i add a cursor or an icon, in either native or Bitmap formats they never add they just crash dbpro's editor.

and if you add them manually the editor doesn't like that when it loads
however strangly enough if i add them with Ciyanna and compile they work fine

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 11:41
Darth: I know how to add them to the project , its just I cant get the bloody thing on the EXE

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 12:23
o_O hrmmm... just leave it selected when you make the exe... but what i meant by fuck up is that it messes up the colors... every time...

AMD Athlon XP 2100+ OC to 3Ghz/1.5gigs ram/128mb ti4200/120gigs hd/19" monitor/Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum EX/3072kbs Sat Con... I joined in!

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