TY - you were refering to FUNCTIONS?
Well I only know that with FUNCTIONS you can create your own little 'scripts' so it makes it easier for you if you want to have something done frequently and don't want to code the whole thingy again; instead you could use your FUNCTION. However I have not fiddled around yet with making my own. I just wrote that I made a functional Coordinates Tool --> functional as in easy to use.
Sorry for the misunderstanding...
RPGamer - Yeah I wondered what I would prefer, but now as I move the mouse, the coordinates change immediately showing in the top left of my screen; that way I can always track them down without having to click first. Just a matter of preference though.
Yskonyn -
"It's better to wish down here you were up, then to wish up there you were down."
"The ONLY time you have too much fuel on board is when you are on fire."