since DB reads the joysticks through directx then I assume that the commands return the same range of values for any joystick, thats why you calibrate an analogue joystick during install before you use it. so that directx can return the same range of values to any program that uses it, otherwise you would would have to calibrate your joystick to every game you installed to make em controlable, it`s easier if directx returns the same values to all programs regardless of what joystick you use.
PC1: P4 3ghz, 1gig mem, 3x160gig hd`s, Radeon 9800pro w cooler (3rd gfx card), 6 way speakers.
PC2: AMD 2ghz, 512mb ram, FX5200 ultra, 16 bit SB.
Mini ATX cases suck.