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Geek Culture / WHAT IF... People used DB or DBPro to make Viruses?

Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 19:11
Damn, now people are gonna get ideas
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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 19:22
lol, i dont think DBPro could actually do this.

[i decided to delete the sentence as it gives ideas, expecially to Rose the hacker ]

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 19:33
It's scary to think but we are good people aren't we guys?

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 19:36
You might be...

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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 19:37
Well challengin the DB community to make a virus was not a good idea...

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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 20:12
That's ilegal you know, could get you into a lot of trouble.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 20:16
I agree with DG.
It may be fun for the sender but not for the victim.

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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 21:16
it is not illegal to make viruses.

But only if they are for personal use.

And if you want to spread them, you have to let people choose to download it. (there will always be stupid people)

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2003 21:41
lmao... sounds like the canabis argument
depends on your definition of a virus, i mean i doubt anyone here could actually make one that could achieve its goal without being actually run or captured by an Anti-Virus
but that isn't to say it isn't possible, i suppose

i'm still unsure to why people make them to be honest, i mean there are much better ways to piss off your friends and family ... like putting Scooter tunes on windows bootup
or setting up windows to alert you when everything is running normally

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Rob K
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 01:34
Of course you could create a DBP virus.



DELETE FILE commands could be used together destructively

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 01:49
if it's installed to the c drive it can delete whatever it wants...
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 02:02
can somone make a virus for me?
One that will attack all HSBC and Barcleys banks in England, so it can wipe my student debt???? ;o)

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 02:49
i hope that was a joke... and yes you can easily create a virus with db...

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 03:27
You COULD make a pretty good virus using DLLs and calling them with DarkBAsic. I am currently making some...not viruses though

B. R. W
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 03:28
*i am making DLLs i mean, lol. Im making a word wrap DLL rite this second..

B. R. W
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 04:13
well I heard a while back that the windows directory isnt accessible directly via Db1 or was that a few versions back when u couldnt change dir to that particular folder.?

DBP on the other hand.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 04:27
Would anything actually change - virus writers dont normally shout out what language they wrote the virus in.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 05:36
You can easily write simple viruses in DB but then so can you in most languages. Doesn't mean you should do tho...

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 05:39
I mean a program to just access your harddrive and delete all the files would b simple enough for any noob to make in less than an hour...

hold up - What if some1 posted one and saved it as an *.exe pretending it was a demo of their latest game, and OHHH god what have you started???

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 12:28
^_^ it would be very very easy...

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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 13:00
The reason people make viruses and hack is to make people look stupid.

Norton is the best Ant-Virus software there is, so someone will write i virus to get past it.

SSL is the most secure form of internet security, so someone will find a way to get past it.

Simple as that.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 14:46
thing is they don't benifit anyone ... other than just as horrible practical jokes really.

i mean for example if you've been working hard on a book and some asshole thought it was funny and make them look bad to sneak in at nite and burn the original copy - how annoying would that be ... and then say the fire actually spread to everything else in the room destorying it all!

THAT is what a virus is like, it isn't big and isn't clever - i can understand hackers who do it to show what IS possible to be achieved and the espoinage ones stealing trade secrets and such - but all virus cause is damage and distruption.
And i've already noted exactly how you can play jokes as no doubt alot of people have on family and at college without actually destroying anything.

i've been involved in the development of a single virus, which was designed for the sole purpose as an anti-hacker deterant ... kinda like a time release dye pack the banks put on thier notes.
However i've never seen such things on the internet before, because people just dont' damn'd well make them for protection.

sickening if you ask me - if they have the skills to achieve such things why cant they actually get a life and make a REAL use of them.

and they added major directory, suchas Windows support within 1.08

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 17:06
Well, it doesnt have to be a VIRUS as such that deletes stuff or annoys PPL, you could just do something else (im not gonna say it coz im gonna do it)...

B. R. W
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 17:13
I like the pretend viruses tho - Did you ever have that "do you eant to format drive c:" Window that wouldn't let you click on No, then showed an accurate animation of your c: drive moving to the recycle bin and it emtying itself? Kinda shat me up at the time

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 19:59
When I was at college, I made a mock-up of the main menu they (used) to arrive at when starting a PC. I think it confused a few people...

Was written in Turbo Pascal...

Not that it's terribly relevent but later on, I'll stuck on my web site the one (and only so far anyway) review of one of my games.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2003 07:58
ok... gj mr. t...

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 5th Jan 2003 15:36
Hmm, I seem to have inadvertantly awakened everyones' evil alter egos'... It doesn't work on me though, 'cause I'm evil to begin with

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Posted: 5th Jan 2003 15:39
I'm not going to run that, I can see what it's going to do.

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 5th Jan 2003 15:46
If you run this code, you are an idiot. Do not argue. We know where you live, Mr. Anderson.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 02:25
lol at Vampire that WOULD be damned annoying - Wouldn't kill/fill up the majority of new harddrives tho, u could add a large bmp (or other) file and make multiple copies of that to fill up more space. OR just delete all the files on the hdd.

PS Nobody Do this. I would be VERY p*ssed off if some1 pretended it was their demo or something. Its NOT funny

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 04:27
"Norton is the best Ant-Virus software there is"
The problem is that antivirus stuff wont have dbpro stuff accounted for and thus wont be able to defend against its viruses if they were ever written...and u can destroy someones comp by making a programme that opens ever programme on their computer....starts to over heap the hard drive.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 04:46
I hate norton with a passion...

Hey: would it be illegal to make a virus, with an installer or something, and in the EULA, clearly specify what will happen ???

Alex Wanuch
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 05:39
cool.... I dunno

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 05:59
norton isnt the best, A working brain in action is the best cure.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 07:08
norton isnt the best, A working brain in action is the best cure

its good to have anti-virus software...but the best cure for not getting viri is to not open stuff like "YOU JUST WON 5000 DOLLARS" in your email... or virus.exe O_O...

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 14:45
you could make a program that did this...

1) as soon as it runs, it disables the escapekey
2) it then checks to see if it has been copied into the startup folder of your computer.
3) It copies itself into the startup folder of your computer
4) It repeats the same message over and over again:
5) "You just messed up your PC! What a moron!"
6) BUT... You could minimize it with ALT+TAB and end it, and then delete it from the startup folder.

I'm starting to worry about how good I am at making up things like this...

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 14:48
Hey, does anyone want to download my latest game...?

[url]http:/'s a game, Honest!.ZIP[/url]

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 15:39
No thanks...

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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 15:41
I made an annoying virus once, It did no harm and i deleted it after i got my £20 (it was a bet).


In wind 95 there was a security hole that meant you could hide apps from the task manager (used by MS to hide the progs used by the system). I used this and the code to hide stuff from the task bar, and made a prog that used the internal speaker to beep, non-stop.

What i will not say is how i made it run everytime you start the PC, as it still works today

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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 17:30
Ah the things you do for a bet...

When Woolies used to sell C64's, I used to write a one line program that just displayed randomly coloured blocks. Disabled the RUN/STOP key of course.

Side note #1 : When my city had an independent computer shop, I was once accused of hacking into Barclays, for some reason.

Side note #2 : The review is on my web site.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 04:36
o_O sure ill download your game... to make you happy... because you love me....

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 11:07
You cant - unless you've got an Archimedies A3010...

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Van B
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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 12:07
The only nasty program I made was on the Atari ST, all it did was swap the X and Y axis of the mouse after 1 hour, nothing really mean - just a mouse accelerator with a sense of humour .

The thing is, in DBPro, you have free reign of the system registry, meaning you can make your program auto-boot in the same way as other viruses, also - you have quite a lot of dangerous commands at your disposal (you can even make your program run in the background without showing anything at all). Luckily it'd be quite tricky to distribute a DBPro virus.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 15:26
making virus.. is VERY easy...
here's simple virus I just made up :
- First main spread exe edits registery key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\(Default)
You can edit this key to start virus exe every time you run any executable (mean, isn't it?)
- This virus exe would delete this executable you are trying to run
- This virus exe would be one-time virus thing, once it's on your comp it deletes \.exe reg. directory so you cannot run any executables!

(you could do same to .bat and .com)

Good idea? well.. ok, maybe I shouldn't post this thread.. now some1 can do this.. I could do this in (DB ofcourse and) C++. This would work well if made in C++...


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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 15:40
Aha, it's easy to write malicious programs - the tricky part is distribution. If you wanted to really piss someone off, you could make a really annoying and nasty program - which you'd have to run on their PC or fool them into running, but it's not a virus if it can't self-distribute.

I think before anyone gets any ideas we should keep schtum - you guys are scaring me away from downloading any more demos!.

Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 15:50
well it is pretty easy to get a file distributed.

All you have to do is set up a comp to try all the possible combinations of passwords for a FTP server, i will take ages (days or weeks). But remember to try 3 passwords wait 20 secs then try the next 3 or the server should (by defult) close down for 5 mins.

Or you could learn to hack (crack) properly, which would be worth while.

This would mean that you could replace files, (exe or .zip), to have the virus in em.

But i think it would be best to stop here.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 17:20
You can make a virus in a batch file...
But if you just want to have some fun, and if you're in college or somewhere with lots of people in the same room in computers, try changing someone's windows startup sound to that dinossaur fart sound i once found on the web, then wait till that person turns the computer on with a full classroom, teacher too, hehe, you might also want to try to increase the wav's volume level in sound recorder to make a big fart, lol, or use it to replace the default sound, ding.wav i think, and wait till he/she makes a mistake or something, or receives an invite or something in mIRC. Ahhh, those were the days, LOL, the classroom's windows 2000 werent properly protected, im not a hacker but i found a way to access the windows dir through the network.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 17:35

On someones desktop, press PRNTSCRN, and paste the image into a paint app, then save it somewhere.

Now set the image to the windows desktop wallpaper, and move some icons into a folder out of the way.

Now they'll be clicking on the missing icons, wondering why they don't work but the others do.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 18:42
lol yeah I did that in Dixons once. Plus its not a virus, but I always used skip out of their demo presentations with Ctrl/alt/Del and set their screen saver passwords then put them on Bwwaa ha ha (oh man I'm eveil lol)

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 20:35
I write a batch file that displays a silly message...

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