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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Can a bitmap be selected by mouse?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 14:42
Hello all. Would greatly appreciate some help with the following concern:
Still very green at this, and have just worked out how to select areas of the screen using co-ordinates. Is it possible to select a specific bmp image regardless of its shape or position on screen ie when I click on it with the mouse?
Also can anyone recommend good freeware programmes for creating media files such as 3d models and animatred sprites.

Thanks in advance
John H
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 16:35
You would have to get into co-ordinates with the mouse- and if mouseclick (here) the SET CURRENT BITMAP whatever.

Free stuff:
Wings 3d (
Anim8or (

Id pay the 20 for milkshape (

For 2d? I dunno. If you have MS paint I guess youll have to use that. Id suggest buying Paintshop or Photoshop.


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David T
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 18:05
What you might want to do is have 1 sprite which is your image, then one 1x1 pixel image as your mouse sprite which is always positioned at your mouse.

Then use sprite collision(sprite number,mouse sprite number) to determine whether the mouse is over the sprite.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 21:42

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 03:41
Thanks, this worked for me.
I am now well on the way to creating a graphical menu system.

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