Are you using DB or DBP? If you are using DBP then the commands are in the commands->sprites-> section of the help file. But I'll post the syntax here anyway. Also if you do the "sprite" command correctly it can be seemless movement, not "jumpy".
move sprite syntax:
MOVE SPRITE Sprite Number, Velocity
rotate sprite syntax:
ROTATE SPRITE Sprite Number, Angle
Here is a little snippet from my Breakout Clone that I made in DBP that uses the "sprite" command to move the paddle left and right on the screen.
rem Paddle Control
rem Left and Right keys move paddle
if leftkey() then paddleXleft = 10
if rightkey() then paddleXright = 10
rem Up key detaches ball
if upkey() then attached = 0
rem Update Paddle
rem Hopefully smoother paddle animation
if paddleXleft > 0
paddleX = paddleX - 3
rem Stop at left screen boundary
if paddleX < leftbound then paddleX = 0
sprite paddleSnum, paddleX, paddleY, paddleInum
rem Move ball with paddle if its currently attached
if attached = 1
ballX = paddleX + 45
sprite ballSnum, ballX, ballY, ballInum
dec paddleXleft
if paddleXright > 0
paddleX = paddleX + 3
rem Stop at right screen boundary
if paddleX > rightbound then paddleX = rightbound
sprite paddleSnum, paddleX, paddleY, paddleInum
rem Move ball with paddle if its currently attached
if attached = 1
ballX = paddleX + 45
sprite ballSnum, ballX, ballY, ballInum
dec paddleXright
Hope this helps.