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Newcomers DBPro Corner / programming a mp3 player ?

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Joined: 5th Jan 2003
Posted: 6th Jan 2003 01:44
Hi everyone

I want to create a small mp3 player and I was wondering if DBpro could do it ? I don't really care about having a wonderful graphic interface, all I want is something that works. I know I could use winamp or wmp but these mp3 player will be made for a friend of mine, he have a huge collection of TV theme and we want to have something that randomly play the mp3 and let us guess the title (sort of a little game). I don't know anything about programming but these language seems to be made for beginner, I want to start just with a program that can scan a folder to get the mp3, play them randomly or stop them (even without a graphic interface at first only control key).

Do you think I can with DBpro ?

any response would be nice so thanks to anyone answering me.

PS : excuse my english if I did any mispelling or grammtical fault. I m french and even if I understand well these language it's still hard for me to write correctly.
Dr DooMer
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 02:02
Well, I don't know if you'll understand my code, as it's perhaps above the average beginner, but here's a snippet for DB Classic that will scan the directory you point it to and all the subdirectorys. It won't play any MP3s, but it's a good starting point.

"I am a living, thinking entity who was created in the sea of information."
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 02:37
Thanks for the answer but I didn't have any Dark basic software so your snippet looks like chinese to me :/ (sorry I've forgotten to mention that above). I was asking the question just to know if it what I wanted to do was realistic or not before I buy DBpro, the language seems to be made for 3d games if I consider what I ve readed so far about it but stuff like c++ or Delphi will be too hard for me to learn...

I'm just there to gather information about DB but I hoped that with the ability to use .dll and the fact that it is made for beginner I had my chances with it. Anyway the soft should be released in France in 2 month so I got some time to read the forum and try to understand what can be done or not with DB.

Dr DooMer
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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 6th Jan 2003 03:50
If you're just going to do this for a bit of personal fun, not to release games on the net or anything, you might as well just stick with the trial version of the program for now. Check the homepage for a download link; DB Classic probably already has a French translation and is quite similar to Pro, just without as many bells and whistles.

"I am a living, thinking entity who was created in the sea of information."

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