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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC is revolutionary

emanresu 1963
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 09:47
I'm very excited about FPSC; please build it putting in EVERY care !
I really think that it is going to revolutionize the game-making in the whole earth planet(about first person shooter which is, together with third person shooter, the most fascinating and followed electronic-game genre. isn't it?). For the very first time people like artists, not computer science students, young boys and girls and even impassioned elderly person, visionary freaks, indigents,talented people with no time,generic amateurs and indie,
etc could "easily" build commercial level games! The point isn't to give any "stupid" person the power of building beautiful games ,BUT, the point is, finally,"send away" the mathematics
stuff from the creative process to give to the PEOPLE, human beings with his\her own stories, sentiments,emotions,pure artistic talents, the power of unleash ,really unleash, his\her own
potentiality building beautiful(that is : competitive)games , repeat, without any (or with very few) stucking mathematics walls.
Yes, building a valid and competitive game will be possible only with very hard work e much dedicated time and however, involving very high skills about 3d modeling, texturing, skeletal
animations, music creation, story plots, intrigues, cool styles, etc. but we would be in the artistic ways and tasks; I think that it will be a pleasure concentrating and focusing own efforts in such tasks and it will be a straight thing too!
I think that we all are hoping that FPSC won't be disappointing as The 3d Game Maker(I'm afraid to say it but I think that it is poor and pathetic),or "problematically dispersive" as Dark Basic Pro, Blitz3d, 3impact(despite they are powerful and excellent softwares)
perhaps, they was concentred too much in add functions on functions,or on implementing latest astounding graphic characteristics but they,in my opinion,omitted to give their users things like already optimized workflows,robust ready-to-use structures, alternative interfaces object-based, and "facility" tools in general...
This my "soft" critics about aforesaid programs could be only a modest suggest for their developer for next releases and however, repeat, I think that they are very excellent, complete, and professional efficient softwares.
I'm not saying that the magic-word is "click & play" I don't like this compounded word, it remember to me something like "childish, puerile, unprofessional" I want to say that now, in 2004, it would
be possible to build PRO games MORE easily, concentrating in "only" artistic stuff; and the sole person that are making it possible
is LEE BAMBER and his TGC Collaborators!
Everyone that will create PRO level games with FPSC, could, CONTEMPORANEOUSLY, study complex programming languages;he\she could
be suddenly right in the business, and making progresses in his\her study parallelly. This is a fundamental difference, it has never been "sharply" possible until now.
The software houses in the world, are worries about their business, hearing of softwares like FPSC? I think that could be only positive
consequences from programs like FPSC (assuming that FPSC will extend greatly the range of people putting good game products in the market). The successful software houses producing games, with their super-graduated, super-scientists, super-technicians, super-artists, etc. will be better "pushed" to create only wonderful and original products.
And I think that will be ever possible to found own valid place in the market for excellent or well done products from both famous professionals and talented novices.
I think that we all want that to the FPSC releases will follow many WELL DONE contents packs, scripts packs, and similar or special "plugins" extending the FPSC's capacity (one could be named
TPSC:third person shooter creator...); This goods could permit to the developers to earn other money and could permit to the user to
enrich own software's baggage.
Please, Lee Bamber, don't fail; build up the software of our dreams. THANK YOU SO MUCH !
As soon as FPSC will be released, it could be an important date in
the modern history of art.
excuse me for my very long letter.
bye. emanresu 1963
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 10:48 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2004 11:32
well... you'd better not let this person down Lee

and i aint gonna say nutin

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 13:58
emanresu 1963,

A long post indeed, though there is much to commend it. Importantly it refers to human creativity - you are right to say that the software will be empowering in a way that currently nothing else will allow.

Hopefully there will be many thoughtful users who will raise the overall level of quality of indie game making and a few who will indeed use it intelligently and creatively and give us something special.

Eventually when we look back this time next year it may indeed prove to be something of a milestone. We shall have to wait and see.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 19:41
What a passionate message! Thank you emanresu 1963! I will copy your message to the whole team, I am sure it'll make them feel all warm and cosy.

I must state now to all who read this text: Don't compare The 3D Gamemaker with FPSC. FPSC is far more advanced and has had three times the development time spent on it. When we made T3DGM we had a very tight deadline and we were working with older technology. FPSC was an idea that sprung from working on T3DGM. In a way, T3DGM is the father of FPSC. We had a clear vision of what we wanted to do, it just takes so damn long to do these creation tools

FPSC is very creative, so open with endless possibilities. It's a joy to use - I just wish I had more time to play...

Of course the proof will only come when we release a demo game. You will have to wait till we're ready.



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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 20:32

Quote: "it just takes so damn long to do these creation tools"

We do appreciate that. Is it possible that we may not see a FPSC release this side of 2005?

I know it will be ready when ready. Such a tool as we have seen must be very difficult to build. Thankyou to the Team
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 21:06
Lee did mention a release-month for the EA edition at the convention, but I know better than to hold him to that, and I certainly know better than to pass this on to everyone else.

I guess that the best thing to assume is that it will be ready when it's ready, but ...

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 22:03
The days are dwindling away in 2004, but the product changes virtually ever hour, so we're getting closer. No-one really knows if the EA release will materialise this year, but everything is being done to ensure that it does.

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- Oscar Wilde
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 23:06
don't start rushing em...

you people want to be empowered... well then, give em the time needed to try and give you something worthwhile.

rushing em with all these "is it ready yet" posts won't do anything to help make FPSC at all... and i hope that the dev team has the rationality to ignore such posts.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2004 23:17
It would most certainly be a good time to release the EA for christmas, but like Red Ocktober said, don't rush it .

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Posted: 4th Nov 2004 05:03
At the Con I told Lee that he's sort of bound to release the EA version before Christmas because otherwise Zircher's son will not get it from Santa Clause and may never speak to Zircher again.


What do you mean, bears aren't supposed to wear hats and a tie? P3.2ghz / 1 gig / GeForce FX 5900 128meg / WinXP home
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Posted: 4th Nov 2004 05:44
Game engine developers should not make announcements then like coming fall 2004 which is specific - if they mean coming sometime in the future or its done when its done - thats what they should say. Doing otherwise does them a diservice. In the long run its really bad for corporate image even if there are short term gains live activity at this forum.

As I stated somewhere in another thread - this forum is too early - all the questions have been asked so the forum fills itself with debate and comment for comments sake.

Like this one
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Posted: 4th Nov 2004 05:49
Its not a question of rushing it - the forum was launched with the suggestion that the EA will be ready 2004 and an update in 2005.

There are some that may be pleased if it was never released.

See another one - forgive me
emanresu 1963
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Posted: 4th Nov 2004 20:44

I'm honoured for such an answer from YOU; thanks.

Excuse me about my comment on THE 3D GAME MAKER; yes, it is my
thought, but, perhaps it was an excessive unkindness in its honest
creators home, which are, I think, constantly hard working to giving only better tools to we all.
However I surely concede that THE 3D GAME MAKER indicated and
opened an important way.
I say hallo to the whole Team, i admire they all.
(to the hell watches,clocks,alarm-clocks,pendulums,calendars, dates,monstrous deadlines and clepsydras,and even atomic-clocks
I forgotten something? ... working with diligence BUT quietly and
without, without and again without stress.)
emanresu 1963 (that is: Francesco Paolo Ardizzone - Italy)
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Posted: 7th Nov 2004 17:52
surely if they dont and i was a money grabbing idiot we could sue if it doesnt come out this Winter because of false-advertising?

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Posted: 7th Nov 2004 22:06
Nonsense. If you could sue, Microsoft would be out of business with all the deadlines it misses.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2004 22:19
Woah Ian... steady there, see your pulse rising...

Thats a good point,

*goes and sues microsoft*

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Posted: 8th Nov 2004 05:48 Edited at: 8th Nov 2004 05:54

I just checked out the videos showing FPSC in action, And I must admit that I was blown right out of my chair!!

I can see all kinds of potential here! To everybody else posting here, Please don't rush these guys as they have an excellent thing
going on here. Give them all the time needed to finish this product through. We wont be disappointed in the end I know it!!

I already added my email address to the annoncment list, And I'll purchase this product as soon as it's released! For my company though, I would perfer a commercial license though to make unlimited
game titles with this though. I guess we'll have to wait and see huh!
I've already gotten a flash-flood of ideas already with the thought of this product coming our way. So to Lee & the rest of the development team.. Do take your time and make this a product to remember!

Best Regards,

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Posted: 8th Nov 2004 07:49

*** Coming soon - Network Plug-in - Check my site for info ***
For free Plug-ins, source and the Interface library for Visual C++ 6, .NET and now for Dev-C++
Mx5 kris
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Posted: 8th Nov 2004 15:22
Microsft out business.......HAAHAHAHAHHA......AHAHAHAHHAHA.....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!! Dude they make well over a couple hundred thousand a day/week! If they went out of is impossible....

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Posted: 9th Nov 2004 01:20

I know, i was trying to salvage my mess up

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Posted: 26th Nov 2004 21:48
what a sweet post. Sure to give the guys some ego!
I'm sorta split on the whole don't rush it / hurry up and give us a demo debate. I'm really excited to get my hands on a "nearly ready" version. But also on the other hand I really don't want the guys to mess this up and make something that had so much potential yet doesn't deliver. I know the guys realise the potential of this and I know they want to make something that will deliver the goods. But I think they should have left the "coming fall 2004" off the site because most people (myself included) are desperate for this goddam game!!! ah well, we'll see what happens...
*gets excited!!*

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