HOLY CRAP!!!! i didn't get a chance to play teh first test of this, but my god this is damn awesome! i was playing around in teh map befor ei knew what buttons were what, I love the car physics! i slid around a corner off a cliff intot eh water and the cops chased me in there.
anyway this is teh kinda map editor I'm after for the mog im working on, i'll show it to the other guy on the team and see what he says, cause i'd love to have this for it, (teh mog is listed in teh game theory section if ur interested.) gonna whipp up a quick tundra map now.
edit: I made an awesome corner with a big mountain with forest at the bottom, but i thought i'd see what building si could put down, is ther anyway to change teh building selection from that big sky scraper? cause i've seen other buildings in the other maps. but anyway i made it all awesome, but then i pressed esc before saving
also, if you place a mud tile over a tundra tile, how do you revert the tile back? or hasn't that been put in.