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FPSC Classic Product Chat / HL quality possible?

Major Payn
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Posted: 14th Nov 2004 03:57
Would it be possible to create a game on par with that of the original HL? Complete with heavily scripted events, intelligent enemies, opening menus, puzzles and what not? And can you import any kind of model you want? Say I want to import an alien model, complete with Bone based animation, is that possible? Is it also possible to import different weapon models, and give them destinct damage capabilities, Rates of fire, and Special effects? Is it possible, to Set enemies to shoot special projectiles, or attack you with melee combat? Is it possible to add destroyable objects such as crates, walls, lights, and other animated objects in a level, so that the player could literally destroy the environment? Is it possible to create Cut-scenes, complete with dialog? And that brings me to my next and last question, can we record and play back dialog in a level? So that the enemies could talk to us, or we could interact with an friendly NPC?

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Rob K
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Posted: 14th Nov 2004 04:07 Edited at: 14th Nov 2004 04:08
Whoa! - That's a lot of questions.

- Graphically FPSC can (IMO) match the original Half-Life. HL was famous for its gameplay though. Whether it can match that is a question I'm not going to answer.
- You can script events. I don't know whether it can be done to the same extent as HL
- Bone-based animation is used if your PC is high spec enough.
- I *think* you can set the properties of different weapons
- You might be able to achieve destructable objects via scripting (for explosive barrels and so on).
- No, cut-scenes are not supported, and no, you cannot specify dialog
- You can tell an enemy to play a sound file if certain conditions are met, but I don't fully understand your question.

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Major Payn
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Posted: 14th Nov 2004 04:15 Edited at: 14th Nov 2004 04:15
Well thats kind of what I meant. I wanted to know if I could use my mic to record a .wav file, and then have it play back at a certain point, that way it would seem as though the NPCs are talking to you.
I chose Half life as an example, because it had absolutely no cutscenes.

Guns arnt the problem, people are the problem, shoot all the people and guns arnt a problem anymore.
Rob K
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Posted: 14th Nov 2004 04:38
Yes, I think you can do that.

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