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Newcomers DBPro Corner / I am new and i need help(some questions)

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Joined: 8th Jan 2003
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Posted: 8th Jan 2003 14:00
I have db(not pro version)3d canvas pro, pov-ray.I need any others tools to make virtual maps i read something (in db page)abot cartografy shop is this necesery to buld Maps?
I heard is something like worldcraft.I have worldcraft is combatible with db?I want to make something like virtual world to use on an rpg project is posible to do that with
scenes on my 3d modeling program?
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 8th Jan 2003 18:09
3d canvas can export x files.
I havent solved it completley yet but u can build bsp files like chopshop by exporting your canvas map as an x file then using the converter that comes with DBP.

BSP access and usage is a DBP only feature.

The alternative is to build an editor that manages static cube objects and build up a level in this fashion.

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