I found some info that should cover most general Acronyms...
AAB - above and beyond
AAN - an amazing night
AAO - all at once
ABF - absolute bloody final (drink)
AFK - away from keyboard
AFN - all for nothing
AFT - after / afternoon
AMD - amend / amendment
AMM - and much more
AMQ - another moronic question
ADN - any day now
AOB - any other business
AOK - all okay / All systems okay
APX - approximately
ASL - age, sex, location?
AUB - are you bored?
AYA - and yet again
AYC - are you crazy?
AYK - are you kidding?
B2B - business-to-business
B2C - business-to-consumer
B2G - business-to-government
BAB - bring a bottle
BAK - back at keyboard
BBL - be back later
BEG - big evil grin
BFN / B4N - bye for now
BRB - be right back
BTF - bold typeface
BTL - better than life
BTA - but then again
BTW - by the way
BYO - bring your own
C2C - consumer-to-consumer
CKD - completely knocked down (goods for sale)
CPF - close, personal friend
CUL - see you later
DKM - don't kid me
DYK - did you know
DLF - dear little friend
DMM - don't mock me
DMN - don't move now
DNO - do not open
DOA - dead on arrival
DOB - date of birth
DOJ - Department of Justice
EAE - each and every
EBT - every bloody time
ENC - enclosed / enclosure
EOD - every other day / end of day
EOE - errors and omissions excepted / end of everything
EOF - end of file
EOJ - end of job
EOL - end of line
EOM - end of message
EOR - either or
EOW - end of week
ETA - estimated time of arrival
ETD - estimated time of departure
ETR - estimated time of return
EVY - experience versus youth
EXC - excellent / except
EZJ - easy job
EZS - easy stuff
FAF - fast and frantic
FAO - for the attention of
FAQ - frequently asked questions
FBN - fictitious business name
FHB - family hold back
FHE - family home evening
FHS - for heaven's sake
FOC - free of charge
FOV - field of view
FYA - for your amusement / for your attention / for your advice
FYC - for your consideration
FYF - for your file
FYI - for your information
FYJ - for your journal
FYR - fiscal year
FYT - for your trash
G2B - government-to-business
G2C - government-to-consumer
G2G - government-to-government
GAL - get a life
GAY - good as you
GFK - go fly a kite
GTG - got to go
GTH - go to hell
GUI - graphical user interface
HAK - hugs and kisses
HMY - hundred million years
HTH - hope this helps
IAC - in any case
IAE - in any event
IAF - in another file
IAW - in another world
IFL - in a former life
IIC - if I'm correct
III - interesting, informative, impressive
IIL - if I leave
IIQ - if I quit
IIR - if I remember / recall
IMO - in my opinion
IOW - in other words
IRL - in real life
ITY - I thank you
IUA - if you accept
IUC - if you can
IUW - if you want
JAA - just another acronym
JAJ - just another joke
JDI - just do it
JFF - just for fun
JFK - just for kicks
JFL - just for laughs
JFY - just for you
JIT - just in time
JOJ - just off the jet
JQQ - just a quick question
JWU - just when you...
KDF - knocked down flat
KYO - knock yourself out
L8R - later
LMA - leave me alone
LMG - let me go
LMK - let me know
LOL - laugh out load / lots of luck
LOS - loss of signal
LTR - left to right
LTT - last train to...
MHO - my humble opinion
MOR - middle o the road
MSN - Microsoft network
NBG - no bloody good
NCD - no can do
NDP - nom de plume
NMP - not my problem
NNA - not another acronym
NNN - no new news
NRN - no reply necessary
OIC - oh, I see
OMO - on my own
OOC - out of character
OOF - out of office
OOT - out of town
OTB - on the ball
OTF - on the floor
OTH - on the other hand
OTO - one time only
OTT - over the top
P2P - person to person / peer to peer
P2P - path to profitability
PBI - please be informed
PDA - personal digital assistant
PDQ - pretty damn quick
PMA - positive mental attitude
POV - point of view
PPL - people
PVT - private
QAS - question answer session
QOL - quality of life
RAD - research and development
RBM - read the bloody manual
REF - refer to
RFI - request for information
RFQ - request for quotation
RML - read my lips
RSN - real soon now
SAA - same as above
SBD - silent but deadly
SFK - so far as I know
SIW - self-inflicted wounds
SMS - short messaging services
SYL - see you later
SZY - sleepy / snoozy
TBA - to be advised
TBC - to be confirmed
TBD - to be decided
TIA - thanks in advance
TIC - tongue in cheek
TLA - three letter acronym
TLC - tender loving care
TMI - too much information
TOD - time of day
TTFN - ta ta for now / good bye
VAM - very awkward manoeuvre
VFM - value for money
VHC - very highly commended
VHT - very high temperature
VOD - video on demand
VOS - very old system
VVE - very, very easy
VVH - very, very hard
WEF - with effect from
WFM - works for me
WGO - what's going on?
WRT - with respect to / with regard to
WTG - way to go
WTH - what the hell?
XEQ - extra easy question
YAA - yet another acronym
YAD - you are dead
YAI - yet another interview
YAM - yet another mistake
YCE - you can't enter
YIS - why am I so stupid?
YNM - you and me
YVW - you're very welcome
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