Thanks, That really helps me very little, because I still dont know what to do, but I might know what the problem is.
(I would post my code, but its a mess that I dont want anyone to be going through anyway.)
(Edit: Went back over my code, found out I STILL dont know how to fix it, so I will post the problem code here... along with all code that it influences)
This is supposed to be a piece of a 2d Fighting game.
The Problem Code -
If Sprite Hit(4,5) and P1Highpunch=1 and Player2X<620 then Player2Life=Player2Life-5:Player2X=Player2X+20
If Sprite Hit(4,5) and P1Highpunch=1 then P2Life=P2Life-5
The Player 2 Version, which the Problem version happens to be a direct copy of (this one works for some reason)-
If Sprite Hit(6,3) and P2Highpunch=1 and Player1X>0 then P1Life=P1Life-5:Player1X=Player1X-20
If Sprite Hit(6,3) and P2Highpunch=1 then P1Life=P1Life-5
Player 1 And his Arm
Sprite 4,Player1X+P1ArmX,Player1Y-P1ArmY,Player1Arm+11200
Sprite 3,Player1X,Player1Y,1
Player 2 and his Arm
Sprite 6,Player2X-P2ArmX,Player2Y-P2ArmY,Player2Arm+21200
Sprite 5,Player2X,Player2Y,2
(Oh, and the Player2arm+21200... thats a little code I set up, since the fighters are supposed to be customizable, and each one has a different graphic per limb)
I use darkbasic classic and i practically have no experience.