I have just made this code(with help from my friend, The Nerd).
print "upkey = move box forwards"
print "downkey = move box backwards"
print "leftkey = move box left"
print "rightkey = move box right"
print "W= move box UP"
print "E= move box DOWN"
print "R= reset box"
print "T=reset music"
print "Have fun and enjoy the music :-)"
input "press enter when ready:" , go
sync on
sync rate 130
autocam on
hide mouse
color backdrop RGB(0,0,0)
make object box 1,5,5,5 : color object 1, RGB(255,255,255)
make object box 2,5,5,5 : color object 2, rgb(250,125,30)
make object box 3,1,0,105 : color object 3, rgb(100,130,200)
make object box 4,1,0,105 : color object 4, rgb(200,0,50)
make object box 5,146,0,1 :color object 5, rgb(200,0,150)
make object box 6,146,0,1 : color object 6, rgb(150,0,200)
make object box 7,1,0,105 : color object 7, rgb(0,0,255)
make object box 8,1,0,105 : color object 8, rgb(0,255,0)
make object box 9,146,0,105 : color object 9, rgb(20,30,100)
make object box 10, 1,146,1 : color object 10, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 11, 1,146,1 : color object 11, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 12, 1,146,1 : color object 12, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 13, 1,146,1 : color object 13, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 14,146,0,1 :color object 14, rgb(200,0,150)
make object box 15,146,0,1 : color object 15, rgb(150,0,200)
make object box 16,1,0,105 : color object 16, rgb(0,0,255)
make object box 17,1,0,105 : color object 17, rgb(0,0,255)
angle#= 0,-30
position object 1, playerx#,playery#, playerz#
position object 2, 24,0,5
position object 3, 30,0,0
position object 4, -30,0,0
position object 5, 0,0,53
position object 6, 0,0,-53
position object 7, 73,0,0
position object 8, -73,0,0
position object 9, 0,-73,0
position object 10, 73,0,53
position object 11, 73,0,-53
position object 12, -73,0,53
position object 13, -73,0,-53
position object 14, 0,73,53
position object 15, 0,73,-53
position object 16, 73,73,0
position object 17, -73,73,0
if leftkey() = 1 then inc playerx#,0.5
if rightkey() = 1 then dec playerx#,0.5
if upkey()= 1 then dec playerz#,0.5
if downkey() = 1 then inc playerz#,0.5
if keystate(17) = 1 then inc playery#, 0.5
if keystate(18) = 1 then dec playery#, 0.5
if keystate(19) =1 then playerx#=0: playery#=0 : playerz# =0
if keystate(21)=1 then rotate object 1
if playerx#>70 and playerx#=playerx# then playerx#=70
if playery#>70 and playery#=playery# then playery#=70
if playerz#>50 and playerz#=playerz# then playerz#=50
if playerx#<-70 and playerx#=playerx# then playerx#=-70
if playery#<-70 and playery#=playery# then playery#=-70
if playerz#<-50 and playerz#=playerz# then playerz#=-50
position camera playerx#,playery#+19.0,playerz#+19.0
point camera playerx#,playery#,playerz#-10
I also have another version where you can add some music, and you can turn on the music by moving the cube to the correct position:
print "upkey = move box forwards"
print "downkey = move box backwards"
print "leftkey = move box left"
print "rightkey = move box right"
print "W= move box UP"
print "E= move box DOWN"
print "R= reset box"
print "T=reset music"
print "Have fun and enjoy the music :-)"
input "press enter when ready:" , go
sync on
sync rate 130
autocam on
hide mouse
load music "blow.mp3",1
load music "peril.mp3",2
color backdrop RGB(0,0,0)
make object box 1,5,5,5 : color object 1, RGB(255,255,255)
make object box 2,5,5,5 : color object 2, rgb(250,125,30)
make object box 3,1,0,105 : color object 3, rgb(100,130,200)
make object box 4,1,0,105 : color object 4, rgb(200,0,50)
make object box 5,146,0,1 :color object 5, rgb(200,0,150)
make object box 6,146,0,1 : color object 6, rgb(150,0,200)
make object box 7,1,0,105 : color object 7, rgb(0,0,255)
make object box 8,1,0,105 : color object 8, rgb(0,255,0)
make object box 9,146,0,105 : color object 9, rgb(20,30,100)
make object box 10, 1,146,1 : color object 10, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 11, 1,146,1 : color object 11, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 12, 1,146,1 : color object 12, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 13, 1,146,1 : color object 13, rgb(200,10,20)
make object box 14,146,0,1 :color object 14, rgb(200,0,150)
make object box 15,146,0,1 : color object 15, rgb(150,0,200)
make object box 16,1,0,105 : color object 16, rgb(0,0,255)
make object box 17,1,0,105 : color object 17, rgb(0,0,255)
angle#= 0,-30
position object 1, playerx#,playery#, playerz#
position object 2, 24,0,5
position object 3, 30,0,0
position object 4, -30,0,0
position object 5, 0,0,53
position object 6, 0,0,-53
position object 7, 73,0,0
position object 8, -73,0,0
position object 9, 0,-73,0
position object 10, 73,0,53
position object 11, 73,0,-53
position object 12, -73,0,53
position object 13, -73,0,-53
position object 14, 0,73,53
position object 15, 0,73,-53
position object 16, 73,73,0
position object 17, -73,73,0
if playerx#=30 and playerx#=playerx# then stop music 2
if playerx#=30 and playerx#=playerx# then play music 1
if playerx#=-30 and playerx#=playerx# then stop music 1
if playerx#=-30 and playerx#=playerx# then play music 2
if leftkey() = 1 then inc playerx#,0.5
if rightkey() = 1 then dec playerx#,0.5
if upkey()= 1 then dec playerz#,0.5
if downkey() = 1 then inc playerz#,0.5
if keystate(17) = 1 then inc playery#, 0.5
if keystate(18) = 1 then dec playery#, 0.5
if keystate(19) =1 then playerx#=0: playery#=0 : playerz# =0
if keystate(20) then stop music 1
if keystate(20) then stop music 2
if keystate(21)=1 then rotate object 1
if playerx#>70 and playerx#=playerx# then playerx#=70
if playery#>70 and playery#=playery# then playery#=70
if playerz#>50 and playerz#=playerz# then playerz#=50
if playerx#<-70 and playerx#=playerx# then playerx#=-70
if playery#<-70 and playery#=playery# then playery#=-70
if playerz#<-50 and playerz#=playerz# then playerz#=-50
if playerx#=24 and playerz#=5 and playerx#=playerx# and playerz#=playerz# then stop music 1
if playerx#=24 and playerz#=5 and playerx#=playerx# and playerz#=playerz# then stop music 2
position camera playerx#,playery#+19.0,playerz#+19.0
point camera playerx#,playery#,playerz#-10
But now i have absolutely no idea what i can use this "program" to(i'm a complete newbie, i've only been programing for 3 days).
Any ideas for a use of this "program"?
Spiderman, Spiderman
Does whatever a spider can!