well maybe i can help you here
For the first i also used "Game maker" before i moved on to Darkbasic.
But dont think darkbasic is as easy as "Game maker" the problem with game maker is that you only allowed to make 2d games also you can get much better results in DarkBASIC.
Quote: "So how are objects placed without a room editor?"
no darkBASIC DONT use rooms.
When you wanna position an object (3d or 2d) you have to do it like this:
Make object box 1,20,20,20
color object box 1, RGB(0,0,0)
position object 1,0,0,0
MAKE OBJECT BOX 1,20,20,20:
This means that i creat a 3D box on the size 20,20,20
also notice the 1 BEFORE the 20,20,20.
The 1 is the object number.
This means that you color object 1(wich is the box) and the RGB(0,0,0) is a black color.
position object 1,0,0,0
This means that it going to place the object box(object 1) in the middle of the screen.
Thats how objects are placed and its very simple.
Quote: "How does DarkBASIC work?"
Well first of all you open the editor then you will see the editor window(click in the right corner to see a pic of the darkBASIC professionel editor.
Have you seen the pic?
good now you will see that its absolutly DONT use rooms.
then you write a code ETC:
print "Hello world"
wait key
PRINT "hello world!":
This little simple line of code prints the texts "Hello world" on the screen.
I hope it helped
The Nerd