Okay I tryed adding that code, but i dont seem to be working here..
Well here is the code for the game...
sync on : sync rate 60
backdrop off
set display mode 640,480,0
show window
load animation "intro.avi",1
play animation 1,0,0
if animation playing(1)=0 then cls : delete animation 1: gosub menu
set text font "Verdana" : set text size 12
ink rgb(121,121,121),0
text 20,120,"New Game"
text 20,160,"Credits"
text 20,200,"Quit"
if (((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 110) and (mousey() <=130))) then ink rgb(121,121,121),0 : text 20,120,"New Game"
if (((mousex() < 10) or (mousex() > 100)) or ((mousey() < 110) or (mousey() >130))) then ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : text 20,120,"New Game"
if ((((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 110) and (mousey() <=130))) and (mouseclick()=1)) then goto Main_game
if (((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 150) and (mousey() <=170))) then ink rgb(121,121,121),0 : text 20,160,"Credits"
if (((mousex() < 10) or (mousex() > 100)) or ((mousey() < 150) or (mousey() >170))) then ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : text 20,160,"Credits"
if ((((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 150) and (mousey() <=170))) and (mouseclick()=1)) then end
if (((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 190) and (mousey() <=210))) then ink rgb(121,121,121),0 : text 20,200,"Quit"
if (((mousex() < 10) or (mousex() > 100)) or ((mousey() < 190) or (mousey() >210))) then ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : text 20,200,"Quit"
if ((((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 190) and (mousey() <=210))) and (mouseclick()=1)) then end
until false