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Dark GDK / Order form bug

Steve O
AGK Bronze Backer
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Joined: 24th Feb 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 6th Dec 2004 07:42 Edited at: 6th Dec 2004 07:44
Whenever i try to order DGSDK and choose:

Quote: "No,

I don't own DarkBASIC Professional
or bought it from another store / web site."

...and press "continue", it gives me this result:

Quote: "Opps!

Please enter your Order Reference number
Please enter the email address you placed your order from"

...this must me a bug in the order form, right?
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Joined: 6th Mar 2004
Location: Las Vegas
Posted: 6th Dec 2004 07:57
Yeah that is a bug. First you need to put in anything in the email and reference boxes and then press continue, when you get the error for invalid email then you can go to continue under I don't own DarkBasic.
Steve O
AGK Bronze Backer
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Joined: 24th Feb 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 6th Dec 2004 08:01
thank you very much!

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