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Dark GDK / Quick questions before my team gets Dark SDK

John H
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 10:48
1) If we code our game using the DarkSDK, will we be able to sell it without any royalties? Just need a Yes or No answer here.

2) Is there any 'recommended' C++ Package that DarkSDK has been found to work best with, or even designed to work best with?

3) How many of the current DBP Plugins will be available for DarkSDK? Im majorally concerned about

Enhancement Pack
3D Cloth + Particles

If any of the original authors can post their plans here, that would be greatly appreciated.

Lookin forward to having these quick questions answered, then ordering DarkSDK and experiencing a bit more powaaa


PS: Sorry if this stuff has been answered before, Ive been studying all day today and I should probably have an 'Out of Order' sign on my brain. I might not have noticed the quick answers to my quick questions

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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 16:05
1. Dont know
2. Yes - best to use VS .Net 2003 (VS6 is okay, but I had problems with that and XP).
3. As far as I know - 0 have been converted.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 16:40
AS for 1: Yes you can purchase the Royalty free version, Email them and ask for pricing

2: I am using VC++.NET Std with standard compiler and VCToolkit compiler for the optimising compiler

3: not sure

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John H
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 19:49
I thought the Royalty Free version was 200? Or is there a whole new version not posted on the website?

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Steve O
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 20:24
what? the shareware version isnt royalty free? i read the EULA and didnt see stated anywhere that you have to pay royalties to TGC!

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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 22:41
It is royality free but it´s under the shareware license. To sell it via a publisher you´ll need the comercial version.

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Steve O
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 22:49
John H
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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 04:21
One Last Question!

Is the 80 dollar version feature limited at all? We might buy this then when its ready to sell get the commercial version.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 05:10
You mean the 60 doollar one? None of them are limited. The diference is only the licence.
$60-freeware licence
$200-shareware licence
$?(email to find out)-full commercial licence

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 05:12
You can sell your creations without any royalties.

Use either Visual C++ 6 or Visual C++ 2003 .NET. Both work well.

The Advanced Terrain commands are included in the SDK. We are planning on converting the 3D Cloth & Particle pack and the Enhancement pack. Hopefully the authors of the other packs will be interested in doing the same for the SDK.

None of the versions are limited in features - the only difference is in the wording of the licence.

John H
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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 05:15
Brilliant! Thanks Mike, My team will be getting a few copies of DarkSDK asap!

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John H
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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 08:04
Question for Mike (Maybe?):

Will there be a free DarkSDK version for the Particle Physics and other DBP enhancement packs produced for DBP that are currently out, for those of us who are making the switch?

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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 18:12
The Advanced Terrain commands are included in the SDK. We are planning on converting the 3D Cloth & Particle pack and the Enhancement pack.

Great! Go ahead!
The effort is highly appreciated hehe (when looking at RPGamer's post)

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