it's easy :
when you win, you inc your score :
inc score,1
and to make a highscore :
input "Choose your score ( no, it isn't cheating, it's testing :) )>",score
dim highscore(1)
load array "score.dat",highscore(1)
if score > highscore(1)
save array "score.dat",highscore(1)
and if you want a name with the highscore, it's easy : make a second array ( highscorename$(1) ), and under "save array "score.dat",.....", write :
input "My name's Computer, and you, what's yours ? ",highscorename$(1)
save array "scorename.dat",highscorename$(1)
it's easy
I'm following John, but I'm not john.
Lol, it is funnier in french