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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Official Release Date Info

TGC Development Director
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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 15th Dec 2004 19:26
Hi all!

We were hoping to have FPS Creator EA ready before Christmas. It's now clear to us that there are just too many issues for us to check and double check to allow us to confidently release the title.

All functionality is now in place, we are simply working on tweaks and fixes. We then want some quality test time to check that we have caught all problems.

In the first week of January we will announce the official release date (which should be a day in January). It depends on tester feedback.

We are so very, very close! We want to ensure the product works well and doing this takes more time.

I hope you all understand. Have a great Christmas and we'll be bringing you New Year fun before you know it!


Rick Vanner
Commercial Director
The Game Creators Ltd

Commercial Director
TGC Team
[Read "The POWER of NOW by Eckhart Tolle". There is no past or future, only NOW!]
Rob K
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 00:16 Edited at: 12th Jan 2005 00:17
Update from TGC's Lee Bamber (Tuesday 11th January):

Quote: "
"Sorry we're late. But its going REALLY well! and better than expected. Sorry about the release date, we'll update you soon. must dash and finish it. Thanks for your patience!!"

I am taking five minutes to browse the forum and thought I would be cheeky (read previous posts) Was meant to clock off at 6PM today, just finished sorting out the beta files, now being more like MIDNIGHT. A usual day for me I think. Sometimes I do not stick to my deadlines in a good way!

We have a deadline in mind, but I do not think anyone in the team is brave enough to mention it for fear of being roasted, hung, drawn, quartered, roasted again and buried in the garden if we slide. I can say I fixed so many bugs today it hurts, and having a great time testing it too

Now I go back into my dungeon and finish what I starteth. Bye!

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