sry about the post hello...i thought about name but couldent think of nething better
i know c++, php, visual basic, html, visual c++, and action script...also some other minor scripting languges
prefferably visual basic and actionscript i hate the most >< so give me some credit on programing
but thnx im sure ill have a lot of questions >< so far this languge looks pretty nice though...i ilke linear alot better then routine programing (those are just words i made up ><....the thing is i just dont think routine programing gives me the control i like ><
and also ill be happy to join the n00b team....i need something to get me started...if youll need any help with graphics i know alot of photoshop and hoping to learn some bryce soon ^^
ill go post there now to see about the stuff...i saw the topic earlier...
ok and ima try this binary moon thing out...that games kinda addicting ^^