...i did use a keystate its right here
`Sets direction based on keystroke
If Keystate(KEY_UP) = 1
SnakeMove_Direction$ = "up"
Else If Keystate(KEY_DOWN) = 1
SnakeMove_Direction$ = "down"
Else If Keystate(KEY_LEFT) = 1
SnakeMove_Direction$ = "left"
Else If Keystate(KEY_RIGHT) = 1
SnakeMove_Direction$ = "right"
before you respond please look at the code atleast ><...it dosent seem to be working right now so myb thats what happend but w/e o_0
alrihgt well i worked on it some and ehre is what i came up with....dosent seem like the best way though
`Pause to give response time divides the "snakemove_wait" into 10 parts...
For i = 1 to 10
Wait SnakeMove_Wait / 10
`See if a keystroke is pressed while its pausing
next i