I created a menu to buy items, it is as follows...
if buymenu=0
if scancode()=48
if buymenu=1
paste image 1001,600,300
set cursor 630,360: Print "press 1 to buy a mining vessel"
set cursor 681,322: print "BUY MENU"
`let them get their finger off the button, first!
if tigger=1 then wait 200 : tigger=0
if scancode()=48 then buymenu=0 : wait 200
for miners=80 to 85
if buymenu=1 and scancode()=2
show object miners
set cursor 500,500: print "mining vessel purchased"
next miners
In the last bit, the player's money resource is supposed to go down by 500, however it does not stop going down, I want it to only subtract 500 from the Money(0) variable, but not keep doing it, but only once evertime the button is pressed. What should I do to make this happen?
Guns arn't the problem, people are the problem, shoot all the people and guns arn't a problem anymore.