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FPSC Classic Product Chat / questions concerning FPSC's functions?

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Joined: 5th Jan 2005
Posted: 6th Jan 2005 02:08
I agree with the fact that melee type attacks are important. can you imagine a Horror game were you dont have an Axe or a Showel to fall back on when you are low on ammo.
My interest in the usage of FPSC is in Fantasy and Horror type games were melee attacks would be realy important.
I think that you should skip most of the extra models/samples that you are preparing for the Package and take that time to code melee attacks into the engine. I think most future FPSC users agree with me when i say that most users will make their own models/textures anyway. Every one want their game to have it's own look. The models in the package will mostly be used to learn how to use the engine.
I do not criticize the models/samples that you will supply with FPSC i youst think that such material is more suitable for a addon package then melee attacks is.
ok i did not get on this forum youst to rant about that i want to ask some questions to.
1 : Is it possible to have visible bullets?
(like the plasma gun in doom2)
2 : Is it possible to have these visible bullets fade out when they
reach their max range? (This combined with high rate of fire
would make flamethrower type weapons possible.)
3 : Can the normal bullets have trasers enabled so you can see like
every other bullet? (like with the mp5 in HL1)
4 : Is it possible to make Beam like bullets? (like the Q3 Railgun)
5 : If question 1 is true can i attach a light to these visible
bullets. (glowing fireballs)
These are all important questions to the community, and to me.
I hope you find time to answer most of them.
Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 30th Nov 2004
Posted: 7th Jan 2005 06:33
Why did you just restate what you said in the "Important Questions about FPSC's Functions" thread. It's almost exactly the same. And much more pointless.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Joined: 22nd Nov 2004
Posted: 7th Jan 2005 08:13
He accidently posted the thread twice as he stated in that other thread:

Quote: "Sorry i might have posted this thread twice..
If so remove the other thread.. Sorry about that.. Thought it didnt
get posted. But i didnt refresh my browser. "

Unfortunately the forums don't have an option for users to delete thier own threads or posts (just edit them) so this thread will be here until a mod tosses it out.

PS - if a mod *DOES* kill this post please delete my old locked OT Merry Christmas thread as well since it's now irrelevent. Thx
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Joined: 30th Nov 2004
Posted: 7th Jan 2005 08:45
Oh sorry I didn't notice. They seemed not to go up at the same time on my browser. I saw this one a day after the other.

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