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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Dead bodies, when you shoot on them, do they respond?

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Posted: 6th Jan 2005 16:29
When you killed someone can you make the body respond on your shooting? Farcry does this really good. Or is the body just dead and is like an unmovable object. Do bodies disappear after a while? How? Do they just dissapear, like !POEFF!. Or do they fade away?

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David T
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Posted: 6th Jan 2005 16:57
I think they fade away.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2005 17:18
fade away is bad
Avan Madisen
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 06:30
I hope the fading out is optional, since I'd like to be able to make the bodies to pile up!

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Rob K
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 08:00
You can change the FPI script which is executed when the entity is destroyed - so it may be possible to stop the fade-out.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 08:47
Can you, by any chance, replace it with your own coding?
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 09:27
Quote: " You can change the FPI script"

yes, yes you can

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 01:00
But how are the physics for a dead body? Can you make the arm move a bit when you shoot on it? Or aren't the physics that good?

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David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 04:55
There isn't any real time phyiscs yet. Apparently it's coming in either v1 or a separate pack.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 05:45
I'm pretty sure the physics are in a separate addon.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 11:59
Will there be spirits rising?

Peace, the anti-Bush.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 12:31
Can you put the bodies into coffins and invite people to the funeral, then go to church on Sunday and sing gospel music in celebration of the contributions they gave to the video game industry, or do I have to code this myself.

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 13:10
Quote: "Can you put the bodies into coffins and invite people to the funeral, then go to church on Sunday and sing gospel music in celebration of the contributions they gave to the video game industry, or do I have to code this myself."

No this feature has been included in the EA release. You will be able to insert bodies into coffins with a single button click and an adjustable FPI script controls parameters including day_of_week_for_cermony, amount_of_mourners, and choir_volume. Unfortunately the time it took to program this feature has restricted any other feature from being included therefore sadly EA will ship with:

no melee weapons
no physics of any kind
no green goo or laser firing style weapons
no cutscenes
limited HUD capabilites
a reduced number of AI scripts and animations

Additionally due to bugs with the shader system and some deep rooted collison detection errors all 3D components will be temporarily removed and play will be limited to 2 dimensions. These issues *might* be revisted in v1... and then again they *might not*... it's really all rather hard and bothersome to post a conclusive answer to any question posted. Best you just wait and appreciate what you are given. Your input is just not necessary at this juncture.

disclaimer - easy big fella, yes i do have both a tongue and cheek... and one is planted firmly in the other.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 13:22
I thought so......

Toshiba Sattelite, 2GHz,Nvidia GeForce4 420go, Windows XP Home.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 13:50
Anybody remember that old TV show,

the effect when an alien bit the dust?

Seems like there could be a variety of death effects.
How about the Wicked Witch from East of Oz?

A new cottage industry?

Peace, the anti-Bush.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 21:29
Quote: "No this feature has been included in the EA release. You will be able to insert bodies into coffins with a single button click and an adjustable FPI script controls parameters including day_of_week_for_cermony, amount_of_mourners, and choir_volume. Unfortunately the time it took to program this feature has restricted any other feature from being included therefore sadly EA will ship with:

no melee weapons
no physics of any kind
no green goo or laser firing style weapons
no cutscenes
limited HUD capabilites
a reduced number of AI scripts and animations

Additionally due to bugs with the shader system and some deep rooted collison detection errors all 3D components will be temporarily removed and play will be limited to 2 dimensions. These issues *might* be revisted in v1... and then again they *might not*... it's really all rather hard and bothersome to post a conclusive answer to any question posted. Best you just wait and appreciate what you are given. Your input is just not necessary at this juncture"

That's just plain cruel, Pogo. Even though Anoneweb *seemed* to be kidding, that doesn't mean you should just plaster him with complete sarcasm.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 03:56
Quote: "That's just plain cruel, Pogo. Even though Anoneweb *seemed* to be kidding, that doesn't mean you should just plaster him with complete sarcasm. "

If you think I'm taking jibes at Anoneweb then you've missed the point completely. Besides he seemed to get the joke.

Anyway American humor tends to be more crude then dry.

Bottom line - it's just a joke. I keed. I keed.

I now return you to this important thread about the physics of dead bodies and thier included afterlife options or lack thereof
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 05:42
At heartbone, wow havnt heard of that one for a while, i was like 5 and it was on after thunderbirds !
I do agree would be nice to be able to fiddle with how the dead bodies are handled, most other stuff is fiddle-able-with so i hope so.
We shall see...
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 06:57 Edited at: 9th Jan 2005 06:58
Once the ragdoll physics are here, will the carcasses kind of "jiggle" when you shoot them? And how much do you think the physics addon will cost? I assume it won't be free!

Quote: "I do agree would be nice to be able to fiddle with how the dead bodies are handled, most other stuff is fiddle-able-with so i hope so.
We shall see..."

I believe there's another quote in response to this. . . :
Quote: " You can change the FPI script which is executed when the entity is destroyed - so it may be possible to stop the fade-out."

How hard it'll be, I don't know.

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