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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Novice/good/pro

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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 09:06
I have been following the development for a few days now and aside from the other questions I think I have a couple of my own...

1) Will there be an option for skill levels? Like 1)weedy 2)Not bad 3)competent 4)hot 5)demonic?

2)Is there an upper limit to the size of gun model u can use, I am not talking about making a super gun or anything, just a decent sized cannon

3)I know this is a long shot, but will we be able to climb into an exo suit? or maybe into a static turret to mow enemies down?

4) do we have any minimum specs for the program to run? Its just I am using a steam powered p.c, gotta know if it will run.

I have never looked forward to a program like this before....and the thread about a demo game was CRUEL!!! I so expected to see something I could play. Good luck guys...
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 11:58
I gathered this info from other parts of the fourm. If you haven't already looked through the fourm for this info, you can just read this...

1)Rob k said
Quote: "Difficulty will of course be user-selectable when you create the levels."


2)Don't know... but I don't think the gun you are planning to make will be extremely huge. Plus if I'm not wrong, one of the weapons that comes with FPSC is a rocket launcher and normally rocket launchers are pretty big.

3)Not sure, but I don't think you can use turrets.

4)Richard Davey said
Quote: "A Radeon 9700 card will be more than sufficient to run FPS Creator. You will of course need to have the drivers correctly installed and DirectX 9.0c too."

I don't know what your system specs are, but if it is really old, I wouldn't count on it to work.

I hope that answered your questions pretty good Evarcha.
David T
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 15:47
Quote: "2)Is there an upper limit to the size of gun model u can use, I am not talking about making a super gun or anything, just a decent sized cannon"

The gun models are just models which are positioned so when positioned at the camera's position they line up perfectly in the FPS view style. I've seen some pretty big weapons, so it should be possible to create them.

Quote: "3)I know this is a long shot, but will we be able to climb into an exo suit? or maybe into a static turret to mow enemies down?"

Haven't seen any turrets.

Quote: "4) do we have any minimum specs for the program to run? Its just I am using a steam powered p.c, gotta know if it will run."

I imagine around the requirements for DBPro at low detail level.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 21:51
Thanks for answering guys, these forums can be a intimidating, haha, I spent so long looking for answers to my questions last night. I should expect it will run on my system, but to be honest by the time I actually finish my game we'll all be using Quantum Computing systems and holidaying on the moon.

The weapons I would love to make are reminiscent of A.B.C warriors style guns, not HUGE huge, but just rediculously cool. Also, and I am REALLY sorry to pester you guys, I know you're busy, and if I have missed the info somewhere else forgive me, but is there an upper limit to how many levels you can have because if you can link together, say, 10 different maps to form one level, would it be possible to have say, 10 levels in total? That would make for a huge game...lots of work yes, but still potentially gi-normous...

Thanks for all your time guys.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 21:58
...., i have just spotted something, disregard last question, i just saw in a posting lower to this that no-one knows the upper limit on levels....sorry
Rob K
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 23:52 Edited at: 7th Jan 2005 23:55
Quote: "1) Will there be an option for skill levels? Like 1)weedy 2)Not bad 3)competent 4)hot 5)demonic?"

Just to clarify, I don't think there is any way to set the difficulty with a couple of clicks, but you can manually set the health and life-count for enemies, as well as ration ammo in the levels to control the difficulty.

Quote: "4) do we have any minimum specs for the program to run? Its just I am using a steam powered p.c, gotta know if it will run."

I think it is something like 1.5Ghz processor, 256MB RAM, DX9-compatible graphics card, but I may be wrong (so don't complain!)

Quote: "2)Is there an upper limit to the size of gun model u can use, I am not talking about making a super gun or anything, just a decent sized cannon"

Not as far as I know.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 23:59
I understand about the difficulty setting, i just thought maybe you could have a percentage setting that increased the energy if you chose to play hard and lowered it a bit if u wanted to play on easy...u could maybe set the ratio +25% or -25% accordingly.

Are we limited to humanoid sized enemies? or can we have spiders and rats, aswell and hulking robots 4 times our size?

God I wanna have a blast on a demo game made in the creator...
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 00:46
Hmm...I was looking at some of the bad guys in that new Prince Of Persia game and one of them looked amazing, like a Ringwraith from Lord Of The Rings but he floats with a kind of smoke particle effect coming from him, it looks very easy would it be to make a bad guy with all sorts of particle effects dripping or eminating from him in FPSC? Maybe like the Balrog from The Lord Of The Rings, that type of thing, flame and smoke.

And did i see it right when i read that bumpmapping is supported in the FPSC? How hard is that to implement?

Thanks again
David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 03:01
Quote: "how easy would it be to make a bad guy with all sorts of particle effects dripping or eminating from him in FPSC?"

Nigh on impossible

FPSC is meant to be very general, for that sort of detail you'd probably code it youself in DBPro.

Quote: "And did i see it right when i read that bumpmapping is supported in the FPSC? How hard is that to implement? "

There's a bump map shader you can specify. I think wall segments are automatically bump mapped, or at least there's some sort of jiggery pokery which doens't quite work on my graphics card (leaving tell tale signs of half bumpmapped walls )

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 05:51
Wait--i'm pretty sure, actually 99.99999999% sure, but will a NVidia graphics card work?
David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 06:49 Edited at: 8th Jan 2005 06:49
Of course! :-P Considering just over half the world is on one

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Rob K
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 07:48
Quote: "
Are we limited to humanoid sized enemies? or can we have spiders and rats, aswell and hulking robots 4 times our size?"

I'm pretty sure that FPSC allows you to use whatever size of enemy you want. Most of the enemies that come with the game will probably be humanoid though.

Quote: "And did i see it right when i read that bumpmapping is supported in the FPSC? How hard is that to implement? "

For segments the effects are simply "built-in", for entities you can specify the effect file to be used. Lee said at the convention that he wanted this aspect to be as idiot-proof as possible.

BlueGUI:Windows UI Plugin - All the power of the windows interface in your DBPro games.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 08:25
I have a question! It's not anything to do with novice/good/pro, but here goes:

Do the WWII models come with one of Hitler? Cause I kind of wanna see what it's like shooting him.
David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 17:07
No. He's already done it himself

(you could just retexture a nazi soldier though)

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