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FPSC Classic Product Chat / I hope this isn't the case...

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 03:21
Reading this forum and continously reading that FPSC can't do this, is unable to do that and proberbly won't include such and such, i can't but help to but think, is this not jus T3DGM version 2?

I do appreciate all the hard wok put in by the guys, really i do, but it gets really disheartening hearing what FPSC can't do everyday!

I mean personally i didn't like T3DGM, and i'm a complete noob with no programming skills what so ever, as such it was focused towards me! Yet i still didn't feel it was flexibale enough and was quite hard to make a game stand out. With that said this still has a hold over FPSC i mean it includes 3rd person!

I am still very much looking forward to FPSC, i just hope i get enough out of it, as i can't code so i can't use DBPro for such and such instead, i also don't have the time or desire to learn to code, so this was my one saving grace, let's hope it comes though!

Anyways i'm still very appreciative of the work that has gone into this, i just hope there continues to be many updates well after its release, unlike the afore mentioned T3DGM.

Rob K
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 04:24 Edited at: 8th Jan 2005 04:25
FPSC is still quite a way up from T3DGM. T3DGM was about creating games randomly at a single button click.

With FPSC you design all the details of each level - you draw the map, choose which entities to place in it and where, set entity properties (AI characters as you can see in the screenshots have something in the region of 20 or 30 configurable properties, not including the FPI scripts which control their actions) and so on.

I have never bought T3DGM, but as I understand it, objectives were limited to something like "Get To End of Level" or "Kill All Enemies". In FPSC you can specify for each item whether it is an objective or not (for items, that means picking them up, for entities that means killing them). Levels can also have multiple exits, and if you really want to make things interesting, you could write a custom FPI script to add a more interesting objective.

As I recall T3DGM was not really designed for users to add their own content or modify existing content. FPSC is very much designed with this in mind, although some of the tools for advanced customisation will probably be hidden away somewhere.

As far as the limitations of FPSC go, you have to understand that the games it creates (with the EA version at least) will more like commercial FPS games were a few years ago, ie. like Quake II for example. If you are prepared to do a little 'programming' with FPI scripts, you can take it further than that.

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David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 04:51 Edited at: 8th Jan 2005 04:53
Quote: "Reading this forum and continously reading that FPSC can't do this, is unable to do that and proberbly won't include such and such"

That's because most of the questions asked here are unrealistic. "How do I make a green goo envelop an enemy when a grenade hits them?"

FPSC will do most things a standard first person shooter does.

However, it will not produce the best FPSes in the whole world with the most cutting edge features. TO do that requires an intimate relationship with C++ and a lot of time.
However, it will produce a damn good game keeping in mind you have done no coding, and if you can't code or are just your average game player then it'll be ideal for you.

However, if you have really big aspirations wanting to create the next Half Life 2, prepare to be disappointed because that sort of game takes 6 years to create, not a couple of days

Rather than focusing on what it doesn't have (laser weapons, stun grenades, green goo, whatever) - look at what it does provide:

- Pretty good graphics
- Very easy level construction that can get quite complex
- Deep customisation
- A lot of supplied media
- A scripting language type thing
- Compile to EXE
- Pixel Shaders
- (will be) Mutiplayer
- (will have) Real time physics

and for all about half the price of DBPro!

Quote: "is this not jus T3DGM version 2?"

Yes really. The version 2 bit implying much, much better!

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 13:17
I would suggest this.
Wait until the EA comes out to see what it's really like.
From what I have seen in the screen shots and heard from Rich, Lee and Mike, it's going to be much better than their first attempt. Plus I like the fact they are concentrating on one genre than trying to make an all purpose click and play game system. I don't like those very well to begin with because they spread themselves too thin trying to get the engine to do many different things. FPSCreator is going to be a very well thought out system that will show what a good team that is focused can do. So if I can create games that are FPS that would be an achivement for me because those are the types of games I have been dreaming about creating ever since Wolfenstien 3D came out. I tried map making with Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, Half Life and Half Life 2 but never really got anywhere with those. With this I will be finally able to make something. And that is what counts.

This is as backwards as is This
David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 17:03 Edited at: 8th Jan 2005 17:03
Quote: "Wait until the EA comes out to see what it's really like. "

Thank you! Wise words indeed.

FPSC has impressed me greatly (although since I've had to try and calm down so many people it may seem like I'm a bit miserable about it ) and I'm sure it'll impress you too.

The closest analogy I can come to with FPSc is, imagine the TS2 map editor in much more detail, with configuration for every item, that allows sinle player maps, with scriptable enemies.

It is still a click together game maker, but it'll always be - if it wasn't it'd just be a programming language

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 20:36
By the way, what the heck is the Early Adopter's release anyway?

temet nosce
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 21:23
It's kind of like a "Version 0.1"

you pay for it, then use it and report bugs to TGC. It does NOT have all the funtions that the full one will have. Then when the full one comes out, you pay the difference between the two versions to buy it.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 21:37
I am sure th FPSC will be fully capable of producing a decent fps, coupled with our own skills at modelling, skinning, music and sound effects I am sure we will be able to produce some startling results. I wouldn't focus on the negative too much because we all know the limitations of a genre creator vs pure coding but who's to say that in a year or 2 we won't have a FPSC 2 that will incorporate all the suggestions and touches that we have touched upon that CANNOT be included just yet due to time restrictions. I have every faith that it will be a superb package with enough sales to warrant a followup and more advanced sequel editor. There. That was a long sentence and now I have to lie down.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 22:16
Since I know this thread has some people thinkingn about those dang melee weapons we all want, I felt I should mention something. To me, things like melee weapons, cutscenes, etc can wait. All I want out now is a functional version of FPSC. These guys are near finished so don't pressure them into thinking this engine will be a flunk without these things! I personally wouldn't mind if cutscenes where never implemented. I do believe however that .avi and .mpeg files should have support. T3DGM had it, so why can't FPSC? And think about melee weapons, sure it would be nice but try to invisualize the game you will create. Think of the game as a practice game and there really is no story just tech stuff cuz you wanna see what the engine will do. Do you need melee there? Of course not! After invisualizing that you(at least I did) probably got the feeling, "Hey, I can live without it!". And tell me honestly people, how many times in DooM did you have to resort to the brass knuckles or the chain saw?
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 12:23
David T, how can I get the EA FPSC when it come out and can you tell us the pice differance thing Franken Kyle was talking about?

Thanks for your time
David T
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 18:28
Quote: "David T, how can I get the EA FPSC when it come out"

Buy it.

Quote: "
and can you tell us the pice differance thing Franken Kyle was talking about?"

No idea myself, I think when they release the full thing and it's X pounds more expensive than EA, you can pay the X amount and get an upgrade to the full.

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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 22:30
Sorry if I didn't make it clear, maddA chieF.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 01:53
oh. I get it now. thanks David.
Anime civil
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 07:23
Quote: "That's because most of the questions asked here are unrealistic. "How do I make a green goo envelop an enemy when a grenade hits them?"

LMFAO, I remember that question!

Van B
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 18:07
The thing about FPSC is that we're scratching the surface, even though we're debugging it so are using a lot of the programs functionality, we still aren't really looking into scripts, or adding our own media. Once people can see their own meshes in FPSC working with collision they'll realise what it can do.

For example, there was a query about 45 degree corridors so I thought I'd check the corner pieces to see how they work. Using those, I made a bumpy 45 degree corridor and it worked fine - people will be pushing FPSC within a month or so of use, luckily it can be pushed quite far.

I'm getting to really like it, the room building is very cool, in fact the whole editor is quite easy to get to grips with, you load an entity or a segment and paint away. Speed wise it seems fine on my lowly PC (1.6mhz-512mb-Win2k-FX5200), note that it's running at 1024x768 though, at 800x600 my PC should handle it perfectly.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 03:51
lowly pc?
i have almost the same system specs as you!
please... don't scare me!

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Van B
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 04:23
Well I'm not scared if that counts for much . The lightmap rendering times is pretty scary though - definately something you'd mess around with to get used to, then only render once everything else is finished.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 08:47
Is there any chanse that you could make like a
small room with a piece of furniture or two and then
render the advanced type of lightmapping and post
a screenshot of it.
I would like to see how it looks. Ive only seen screeshots
of quickrendered lightmapping.

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