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FPSC Classic Product Chat / I have a few questions:

Avan Madisen
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 07:58
I did a quick search on this forum and couldn't find anything related to the questions I have, and I did look through the FAQ posted by jburrows and didn't find anything, so here're my current questions:

Many FPS games, such as Deus Ex and Half-Life, have large areas made up of multiple maps. For instance, in the area for Hells Kitchen in Deus Ex, you have the main road area, and then separate maps for the build interiors. Does FPSC have this kind of functionality, and if not already is it in consideration for a later expansion?

Again with Deus Ex, is it possible to create an experience system that can affect things like weapon accuracy, reload time, player movement speed or even hearing?

System Shock 2 used number key-pads to lock doors, is it possible to create something like this, and would it possible to incorporate some method of hacking them as well, or is this something the scripting system could do quite easily?

I've noticed some people asking about creating close-combat weaponry, I would've thought you do achieve this by having a weapon that launched an invisible projectile with a very short range, or does FPSC use the old 'Classic Doom' trick of all ranged weapons having infinite range?

Would it possible to make some kind of bullet-time gameplay, like in Max Payne, or is this wishfull thinking?

With the AI using user-defined scripts, is it simple to create non-hostile ai's, such as pedestrians in a city-scene?

I also noticed some talk about a later physics expansion pack, will this include rag-doll physics?

One nice ability I saw in a FPS once (can't remember what one) was the ability to swap 'minds' with NPCs, so you could take control of one hapless victim, sneak into a restricted area, then take control of another NPC's mind and go elsewhere, in other words, 'Body-Swapping'. Would this possible in FPSC?

Ok, more then a few questions, but hopefully I haven't duplicated any questions here that have already been asked, but I probably have.



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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 08:24
Quote: "Would it possible to make some kind of bullet-time gameplay, like in Max Payne"

In your dreams.

Quote: "One nice ability I saw in a FPS once (can't remember what one) was the ability to swap 'minds' with NPCs, so you could take control of one hapless victim, sneak into a restricted area, then take control of another NPC's mind and go elsewhere, in other words, 'Body-Swapping'. Would this possible in FPSC?"

I would love that, but I believe that the answer's no. By the way, they did this in Munch's Odyssey, but that's nor a shooter or FP game.

Quote: "I also noticed some talk about a later physics expansion pack, will this include rag-doll physics?"

I think.

Quote: "System Shock 2 used number key-pads to lock doors, is it possible to create something like this, and would it possible to incorporate some method of hacking them as well, or is this something the scripting system could do quite easily?"

Probably possible, ask DavidT--he's a beta tester.

Quote: "I've noticed some people asking about creating close-combat weaponry, I would've thought you do achieve this by having a weapon that launched an invisible projectile with a very short range, or does FPSC use the old 'Classic Doom' trick of all ranged weapons having infinite range?"

I've heard you couldn't do this.

Quote: "With the AI using user-defined scripts, is it simple to create non-hostile ai's, such as pedestrians in a city-scene?"

Probably doable.

Quote: "Again with Deus Ex, is it possible to create an experience system that can affect things like weapon accuracy, reload time, player movement speed or even hearing?"

I doubt it.

Quote: "Many FPS games, such as Deus Ex and Half-Life, have large areas made up of multiple maps. For instance, in the area for Hells Kitchen in Deus Ex, you have the main road area, and then separate maps for the build interiors."

I think this is possible.
Rob K
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 09:13 Edited at: 8th Jan 2005 09:13
I must point out that Deus Ex and System Shock 2 are role-playing games not First-Person Shooters.

Multiple-Levels - Yes, going back and forth ala. Half-Life - No
Non-Hostile AI - Yes
Close-combat Weaponry via tricks - Possibly
Bullet Time - Play on a really slow PC
Rag Doll Physics - Later version
Body-Swapping - No
Experience System - No

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David T
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 17:05
Doors can have a key attached to them - I don't think you can have number keypads though.

Quote: "Bullet Time - Play on a really slow PC"

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 20:27
There was a trick in UT that you could put into the command console that slows the game speed down. Could'nt there just be a universal toggle that slows all the animations down by half or 3/4 or something?

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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 21:24
Probably not.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2005 22:16
So you can't control the FPS (Frames Per Second) then?

As if you could, this would be a piece o cake.

David T
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 01:45
Not really. Slowing it down would just make the game appear stuttery. I've pretty sure Lee is using frame rate based movement anyway.

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Avan Madisen
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 06:50
Thanks for those comments, I'm actually surprised all got answered (sensibly) so quickly.

Quote: "Bullet Time - Play on a really slow PC"

I'll just have to dust off that Cyrix 200mhz then!

Quote: "Rag Doll Physics - Later version"

That'll keep me happy!

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Rob K
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 08:12
Quote: "I'll just have to dust off that Cyrix 200mhz then!"

I still have my BBC Model B around somewhere. I might have trouble finding DirectX 9 drivers for it though.

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Avan Madisen
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 01:42
Hi again

Rather then open a new thread, I'd thought I'd ask my new questions here:

Object animations, do these have to be imbedded in the object file or is there a way of creating animations within FPSC?

Does FPSC support multiple exits for levels? So you can either have more then one entrance to the next level or even a branching story idea.

Is there a built in shader fo real-time shadows, and would it be possible to script the AI's to respond to shadows? For example, if you aren't visibe to an ai but your shadow is, could the ai be able to know that something is there?

Is it possible to script cut-scenes and dialog sections (where you can choose what to say), like those in Deus Ex, or would any cut-scenes be more like Half-Life where the player still moves around while the scripted action takes place?

Can we create inventory items, like medipads, keys, lock-picks, tv remotes, etc. that can be stored and used later? Would it also possible for the player to keep these as they moves from level to level?

What is the z-depth limit, the diagonal distance from one corner of the map to the other, or is it controllable? Are there any fog options, not just fog distance but fog drop-off or even wfog?

Can we create working lifts to move from floor to floor with a numbered panel?

Can we have homing projectiles, like the missile launcher in Half-Life?

Is FPSC intended to be for 'serious' FPS games like Half-Life or Halo, or is it aimed more towards the simpler arcade idea like Serious Sam?

I noticed the thread about a female voice, is it possible to set up a character selection, so we can create a couple of characters and players can select which character they want to play as in the game, thus each character using different voices and maybe even different weapons?

That's all I can think of at the moment.

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Rob K
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 03:32
Object Animations - Must be part of the .X file

Multiple Exits - Not yet, but I think this is a good idea

Shadows - No. They used to be in FPSC, but Lee has taken them out for some reason.

Cut Scenes - You would have to do them Half-Life style

Inventory Items - There is basic support for keys etc. There are various pickup-able items, which can then be required to activate a different entity at a later stage in the game.

Z-Depth & Fog - There will be a limit, but it is very large. Fog is supported (I think)

Lifts - Yes, supported. I'm not sure if they are multi-floor or single-floor only

Homing Projectiles - Not 'out of the box', it might be possible with a little bit of creative FPI scripting

What is FPSC For - It is mainly aimed at fun Doom/Quake/Sr.Sam type games, but you can create serious games with it if you wanted to. The WW2 media for example is aimed at the 'serious' side of things

Character Questions - Not sure about that, presumably you can change the player's sound effects.

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Avan Madisen
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 06:36 Edited at: 15th Jan 2005 06:37
Quote: "Cut Scenes - You would have to do them Half-Life style"

(stunned silence)... no complaint about that!

Quote: "Multiple Exits - Not yet, but I think this is a good idea"

The game Guardian Heroes on the Saturn had options at end of most levels, each option took you to a different level and allowed for the biggest story branching I've ever seen in a game. I'd love t do that with FPSC, and all it'd need is the ability to have multiple exits all linking to different levels! I assume the "Not yet" bit means it's either on the cards or you're going to nag Lee about adding it?

Quote: "Inventory Items - There is basic support for keys etc. There are various pickup-able items, which can then be required to activate a different entity at a later stage in the game."

A later stage in the game as a whole, or only a later stage in the same level?

Quote: "Shadows - No. They used to be in FPSC, but Lee has taken them out for some reason."

Probably speed and compatibility reasons.

Thanks Rob!

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