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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 10:51
Quote: "In the first week of January we will announce the official release date (which should be a day in January)."

I suppose technically speaking he didn't say what year. First week come and gone.

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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 11:14
To be honest, a thing I have learned about all this waiting is take the expected date of release (i.e end of janurary) Laugh at it for a while, then times it by 4 from where we are right now. That would mean we will get it sometime in March, probably....if we're lucky. I vote we get some more screenies to keep us going and I promise to not ask anymore questions. Proabably.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 17:11
I guess if there is no announcement, no statements issued or further screenies released then we must asssume that there is nothing of ground breaking difference to lets us know or see.

It would just be nice and courteous to keep people who are obviously particularly interested informed of any delays or setbacks.

I'm sure we will get an announcement of some kind next week, albeit perhaps not the one everyone wants to hear.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 17:33
I spoke to Mike yesterday and he said that it will be late Jan/early Feb, so I would hold your breath before saying silly things. Give the guys a break, they work damn hard.

The 3d chat is coming...
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 00:57
Quote: "Give the guys a break, they work damn hard."

I for one am getting a little sick and tired of that kind of comment. It'd be one thing to say that if these guys were working on some sort of freeware, open-source project that the rest of us were waiting to get our hands on for nothing. This FPSC project isn't some altruistic favor they are doing for the community. But, the simple fact is this is not a freeware tool. These guys are in the business of making money, plain and simple. And hey, I'm all for it. May they all get stinking rich and retire to a nice home in Tuscany. More power to 'em.

That being said, I and everyone else for that matter are certainly within our rights to expect what is promised. We are the consumer. We are the ones shelling out the cash for the product. We are the ones who tell someone else about a product...who tells someone else about a product...who tells someone get the idea.
So, we'll go on complaining and griping until we get what we want. It's the 'Golden Rule', you see. "He who has the gold, makes the rules".
Rob K
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 01:55 Edited at: 10th Jan 2005 01:56
Ultimately, TGC can only release the product when it is finished. As even a cursory glance at the diary will tell you, FPSC is not yet finished.
Clearly the company is going to release it as soon as they can - complaints from forum users won't speed this up.

It is going to be very difficult for TGC to set an accurate release date until they get further into the testing process.
Unlike large companies, TGC cannot afford to throw extra manpower at the software in order to get it finished for a specific date.

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David T
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 04:50
Quote: "I for one am getting a little sick and tired of that kind of comment"


I love it when the "We are the consumer" line comes out

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