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Newcomers DBPro Corner / I'm a newbie and i need help

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Joined: 15th Jan 2003
Posted: 15th Jan 2003 19:39
Hi everyone
I got darkbasic a while ago and played with it to create a menu. Since then i've lost the code and cannot remember how i did it can you help, this is the situation
I've got a starfiled running in a window ( do loop for the starfield) i have 3 static buttons over the top of starfield, i know the co-ordinates of the buttons (topleft x,y and bottom right x,y) i just cannot remember the code to make the buttons work (ie make them clickable and to load another program)
can anyone help me pleeaasseeeeeeeeee
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Posted: 15th Jan 2003 19:41
Something like this?

Fluffy Paul
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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 16:23
I have a 2D array of all my GUI objects thus:

Dim GUIarray(n,6)
where n=number of GUI objects and the 4 things I store for each object are:
1 visibility flag [ 0=no | 1=yes]
2 top [ y-coord on screen ]
3 left [ x-coord on screen ]
4 bottom [ y-coord on screen ]
5 right [ x-coord on screen ]
6 action [ a number which I use in another array ]

the reason I keep track of what's visible and what's not is so that I don't bother checking to see if I've clicked on something that's not visble.

The action number corresponds to a list of actions that I've programmed already. How you store the actions is up to you - my actions are functions. I have a "doAction(actionNumber,dataString)" function which has a CASE statement like this:



and so on. The data doesn't have to be a string - it can be whatever you need it to be. It really pays off to be organised about GUI icons in this way because it means you can have lots of them and you won't get lost.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2003 20:55
v. simple menu options:

then just:
if option(100,100,200,120,"start game") then ...

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