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FPSC Classic Product Chat / T3DGM Question

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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 12:34
Well, I'm not a programmer, I don't have any desire to learn DB (or the time), and I just want to create mediocre FPS games as a hobbiest. That being said, I think it's time to reconcentrate on T3DGM (since it appears that FPSC is still quite a ways off).

Anyway, to my question: Can I use the models in the Dark Matter 3 package in T3DGM? Also, if I spend the cash for it, will those models also be importable in FPSC?

OTS Software
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 13:21
What happened to your classes?
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Posted: 9th Jan 2005 22:38
Quote: "Also, if I spend the cash for it, will those models also be importable in FPSC?"

They said once in another post that the darkMATTER models have to be (quote) rigged, a long and tedious process (end quote).

Quote: " What happened to your classes?"

I really can't be sure, and I can't speak for him much, but I think he said he needed a cutscene function or the "program has no educational value".
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 00:38
Quote: "(since it appears that FPSC is still quite a ways off)."

FPSC may be coming out any time this month. Just keep checking back at this forum for the latest news.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
(Formerly known as Yellow)
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 00:52
Quote: "They said once in another post that the darkMATTER models have to be (quote) rigged, a long and tedious process (end quote).

rigging and creating basic animations for the darkmatter packs isn't that hard, this depends on the modeling program you'd be using of course, you could easily rig and get the animations you would need for one character in a couple hour's.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 01:06
Thanks for answering my question.

Nothing has "happened" to my classes. I have a unit on game design that includes a workstation with T3DGM. That tool allows for the inserting of FMV. That is the key to unit, because my students must tell a story with the game. They can use MM2, Flash, etc. to accomplish that. It is the part that ties it all together and makes it meaningful.

The issue of cut-scenes has already been addressed. But, no one in the know has ever given a definitive answer about the FMV issue. I find it hard to believe they would leave this option out since it was included in what is being referred to as a vastly inferior product (T3DGM).
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 03:32

I have both products and I will investigate the question for you this afternoon. At a cursory glance I would say yes, but let me check to be certain.

About the FMV thing - I'm thinking the obvious kludge (provided FPSC will do what has been stated before here in this forum) is to chain exectutables between levels. The executable can then be a simple small 2-3 line DB program that loads an mpeg or avi and plays it (escape key would cut it short by ending the "program").

Again that is provided FPSC will actually chain executables and pass data between them. If it won't pass data (health, ammo, etc.) then you have to do the Halo trick of using cutscenes as chapter "bookends" and starting the player with full health and a specific weapon or set of weapons to start the next level with.

Not a clean solution (hence a kludge), but should be workable and not very difficult.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 04:10
Nevermind - the Darkmatter models CANNOT be dropped into T3DGM. Trying to add them craps out the program no matter if you try to use them as players, bullets, items or anything else.

HOWEVER I found that if you have recently purchased T3DGM then it apparently already comes with all the Darkmatter 1 models preparred for use in T3DGM (possibly some of Darkmatter 2 as well though I'm not sure). They are in the USER section of T3DGM. Scroll past horror, wa, etc all the way to the right where it says USER and WEB.

Also you can go into windows explorer and copy/paste most of the models from one use to another. For example I put a tank into the bullets folder and my AK-47 was tossing out tiny tanks as bullets
Be careful however as the player and enemy models require extra data which is not obviously included in the items, bullets, flak, etc. so more than likely you couldn't have an RPG round as a player or an enemy though you could use it as an item or obstacle.

The Darkmatter models appear to lack some kind of .dat file sthat T3DGM is looking for... or there is some other intrisic problem with using them as is. I only preformed a few quick tests all of which failed
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 05:45
Thanks pogo. I appreciate you looking into that for me.

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