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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 08:27
Lee said

Quote: "Sunday was mainly chilling, but did three hours from 9 to midnight to get the bugbase scouted out. Updated some entries, closed others, fed back as much as I dared today. I now have a clear idea how I should approach the bugs being reported, and will try to get help from the team to reduce the 'admin' of tracking down the bugs that matter. All of Monday will be spent knocking bugs out the door until we have a clean house. Beta versions each day of the week if I can help it, as this will help beta testers quickly determine if their bugs are gone for good. Not much left to do on the assets side, it is just tweaking now until we have something sound. Time for food...


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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 08:36
What's "Dave" mean?
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 08:56
Thats my name


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David T
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 15:43
Quote: "What's "Dave" mean? "

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Van B
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 19:41
It means your my wife now, Dave...

(That was my impression of Pappa Lazarus BTW)

FPSC is comming along, bugs are getting squished, and Lee has plenty milk . If your looking for something to do while you await it's release, you could go buy some graph paper and start designing level layouts - the videos that were uploaded show the level layout system quite well, graph paper is ideal.


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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 21:18
I may buy myself some graph paper and start designing myself some cats. It could be more useful. HAHAHAH!

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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 21:20
To you probably .


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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 02:10
If I get a chance tonight I will create a 40x40 grid drawing and post that. The lines will be light grey so you can use a dark pencil over them. I actually thought about creating a program just to layout the maps, but then I thought again, why bother when you can just use FPSC when that is out.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 02:31
By the way, I thought this might have been answered. When placing walls can you only place them on a 90 degree angle or can we place them at 45 degrees as well?

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David T
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 02:39
90. Although there may be a 45 degree wall tile.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 02:54
I can live with squares for a while, but we also need 45 degree angled walls.
That is very important. I would think so more than melee weapons.
By the way, I have something for you all. Grid paper in the size you need. 40x40. It is an excel spreadsheet. If you don't have excel, go grab the open office version, you should be able to open it in there. You may also need to adjust for margins to get it to print. By the way, to print make sure to select landscape or else it won't fit. I will be working on a better version tonight. Have fun.

This is as backwards as is This


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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 02:58
I drew this lvl a month ago when I had exams and was taking a break... It's not entirely finished and I probably can't make it when FPS creator is out. Anyway:

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 03:02
By the way, Soulman. Nice work I'll try it out on your grid system, I normaly just sketch and then make it fit in the game.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 07:13
I am such an idiot.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 07:42
JUST RELEASE THE F*****G PRODUCT! PLEASE TGC! lol. Jeez! I'm getting so bloomin bored of everyone inventing ways to get us past these silenced weeks. Not that I dont appreciate everones effort, its great. I feel like throwing a tantrum like I did when I was 6 years old and couldnt get a t-shirt I wanted. Maybe we'll be able to get it some minutes sooner. And maybe if we ALL threw a tantrum then we could get it SEVEN minutes sooner! WE COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
I need sleep

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 08:20
Take a chill pill. It's not the end of the world you know. When it is, I'll let you know.

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 10:57 Edited at: 11th Jan 2005 10:59
dang! Map looks nice Chimera. where did you get that big piece of graph paper?
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 11:16
he made it while he was waiting
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 23:07
oh people's sense of humour is degrading, its because FPSC isnt out yet. The world is falling apart. Everyones going stir crazy.
I want graph paper. And cats. and *gurgles*
*keels over*

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Van B
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 00:26
Reg'd the 45 degree walls, they're probably possible already, just need the media. I can't see them changing from the grid system, however you can easily make 45 deg rooms and corridors, just like how you can make round rooms using the corner pieces. With the right media, the FPSC world is your lobster.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 01:42
Sound great. It sounded probable that one could youst load
the ready walls into a modeler and rotate them 45 and then
use them on the grids.. Thanks Van B for clearing that up.
(now we can go back to consentrating on melee "SoulMan")
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 06:10
so technically you could have any angled walls? As long as you put in the time and effort to fit them together? cool.
This whole thing is starting to remind me of Shoot Em Up Construction Kit on the Amiga, but a hell of a lot better! Anyone remember SEUCK?

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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 06:17
No i never used SEUCK but i used
"pie in the sky game creation system". FPSC reminds me
so much of a good version of GCS that i am starting to
think Lee might have been the guy behind "pie in the sky". =)
Altough FPSC looks sooo much cooler. (can wait anymore)
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 09:29
When did you use the GCS?
Yes I would have to agree that FPSCreator is like the GCS, but Lee is no Kevin Stokes. In fact most of the stuff that got put in the GCS later was not really supported by Kevin. I think he was a real con. Lee is a very awsome guy. That's why we are getting a really awsome program.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 23:37
i ordered GCS before it got the AI uppgrade or any of those later
features. I dont remember exactly when i used it.
It ways a Fun program to play around with but it was no way
near FPSC.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 00:02
It is interesting, though, that developemnt on FPSC began at about the time Kevin stopped distributing the GCS. Coincidence? Umm... yeah, I guess so.

Basically dark.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 01:14
Hey guys, I was a big fan of the GCS for along time. I used the Dos version a lot and have a few demos, that were not too bad. Then I upgraded to the GCS95 version and it was starting to come into it, but like you say, things just were fading away. What I mean by that is, stuff was not getting upgraded and soon it was no more. The FPSC looks so much better in so many ways that they are not in the same ball park. The GCS was really a lot of fun and kind of miss it in a way, but the FPSC looks like it will open a whole new world of fun for game making --- can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 06:05
I've searched the net for some GCS resources and theres absolutely nothing. All I could find was an outdated link called and a holding page. :/
probably not worth it anyway eh?

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