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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Character slection...

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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 20:34
When we complie our games to .exe will there be an option in the FPSC to create a character selection screen so people who are playing our .exe's have a choice of character each with various strengths/weaknesses?
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 21:27
i have not used it, but probably not.
As far as i heard you can't even do different
levels of difficulty.
Not that i need any of those two features.
The software is gonna rock..
You are basicly going to be able
to make a quake2'ish shooters, story kind
of goes out the window..
(i have not actualy used the software i am just retelling
what i have heard around the forum)
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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 22:01
Ah, no probs, I understand, I have read loads of posts and gathered loads of info but was hopin to plan a game soon. Have 7 rough ideas for games, just wondered what limits I am going to work within, I get the feeling that a game like quake 2 will cater for all those peeps out there into good old fashioned blasters which is exactly what i hope to produce. I mean, who doesn't dabble in quake 2 these days? Just for nostagia and pure gameplay...see enemy, shoot enemy, who cares what he had to say?
Rob K
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 01:11 Edited at: 11th Jan 2005 01:13
All is not lost story-wise.

I personally believe that the ability to create a storyline is quite important for FPSC, and easy to do to from Lee's perspective (so assist me with the joint pestering effort after the EA release!)

FPI scripts, which are used by enemy AI can run other scripts and they can play sounds, so you could create a storyline Half-Life style by playing recorded speech when you approach a character. This would require manually editing the script of course, but I'm sure an automated editor could be created for that.

In addition, you can edit all of the media in the game, so you could create a storyline in a slightly more subtle way (the way that Half-Life 2 created a big-brother feeling by having faceless enemies, panicky civilians and mysterious blood-stains on walls for example)

The HUD itself is scriptable so it might be possible to display 2D graphics on screen.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 05:08
Quote: "(so assist me with the joint pestering effort after the EA release!)"

I promise i will join you in that. But i will be in it for Melee attacks and story.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 07:33
the thlot pickens...

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 11:09
Quote: "This would require manually editing the script of course, but I'm sure an automated editor could be created for that."

How hard would it be to manually edit the script?
thanks Rob K
Rob K
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 17:41
Quote: "How hard would it be to manually edit the script?"

Pretty easy - The EA users guide would probably have instructions on how to create FPI scripts.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 22:57
This threads feature would be cool for a Fantasy type game but other then that its not vital to a good fps.
Altough i like the idea. It would be great if one could make the player start in a different place depending on which character he
picked. But these are youst dreams and speculations and will probably not be a part of fpsc
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 23:09
Quote: "How hard would it be to manually edit the script?"

about piece of string length. depending on the weather conditions.

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 11th Jan 2005 23:19
thanks Rob K... never knew there was a manual for the EA.

MaddA ChieF WILL HAUNT & hunt YOU!
Rob K
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 20:44 Edited at: 13th Jan 2005 01:04
Unlike the DBPro manual, the FPSC manual is actually quite good.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 23:23
I just thought that a choice of character might add another level of gameplay to a game design...if it isn't possible i don't suppose it's a big problem.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 23:49
Thanks for the kind comments Rob! Nice to know the pain of writing this manual is appreciated. I am trying to cover all known areas and only have some key things left to write up. Unlocking the depths of Lee's brain is no easy task !

OK, back to the manual.


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Rob K
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 01:10
Quote: "I just thought that a choice of character might add another level of gameplay to a game design...if it isn't possible i don't suppose it's a big problem."

Since you play from a first-person perspective this is true. Come to think of it, all that you would need is the ability use an FPI script to select which level is played next.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 01:37
Thanks Rob K, I am glad someone sees it as a good idea, as far as I could tell it should just be a matter of scripts? You could do all sorts of in-game trickery too if it's possible? like appearing to get in an armoured suit, just be a case of upping the powers of the character by a given ammount? Just an Idea. Also, if you're able to choose what character u play as you could (if you were so gifted) craft the game from a new angle, opening certain things up to other characters that aren't open to others, this could make for an interesting game if you ask me...
Thanks for all your answers to my threads.
Avan Madisen
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 07:13
Quote: "Unlocking the depths of Lee's brain is no easy task"

if Lee's brain is even slightly as mad as mine, it'd be damn near impossible!

Quote: "Come to think of it, all that you would need is the ability use an FPI script to select which level is played next."

Does this mean we could script a way for the game to select which level to load next based on objectives the player achieved, that way making branching stories possible?

Quote: "if you're able to choose what character u play as you could (if you were so gifted) craft the game from a new angle"

That's what I'm planning to do with FPSC, 4 characters each with their own (hopefully branching) story.

I don't suffer from insanity:

I enjoy every minute of it!
Rob K
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 07:22
Quote: "Does this mean we could script a way for the game to select which level to load next based on objectives the player achieved, that way making branching stories possible?

It means that you can't do this with FPSC at the moment - but I think it would be the way to implement it.

No branching story-lines in the EA version.

Knowing Lee, the feature-set for v1 will basically consist of Physics to add a 'wow' factor, plus the most popular community suggestions - if everyone else is keen for this kind of thing then hopefully it will be added.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 21:32
Hello RobK,

I second to your request to adding a storyline. I think it's important in nowadays games. I read a lot of reviews in one of our local game magazine and if the game has a bad storyline or it hasn't any, the marks fall down automatically at least 10%.

I also think that FPS game without melee battle is like horse without saddle (you can ride but difficult and not without pain in the pubic region ).

Have a nice day,


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